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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

DataUp Service Update: July 2012

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities For the last month we have been testing out beta versions of the DataUp tools and relaying issues and bugs to the Microsoft Research developers. We received a beta version of the tools in […]

DMPTool Service Update – July 2012

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities There were 34 new users from UC campuses in June, bringing the total to 482 UC users. UC users have created 397 data management plans since the service began in Oct 2011. Overall, […]

Merritt Service Update – July 2012

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities A number of enhancements have been deployed to Merritt as of July 2012, as summarized on the UC3 Curation wiki ( Some of the key highlights: Merritt now supports public access to designated collections and […]

EZID Service Update – July 2012

July Activities EZID added support for an additional DataCite metadata element, resourceType. This is similar to the Dublin Core Format element, and it will become a required by DataCite in the next few months. We decided to help users prepare […]

WAS Service Update – July 2012

WAS News Tracy Seneca, the WAS service manager and project leader since its inception in 2008, is leaving the California Digital Library for a position as Digital Projects Librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Tracy has been a […]

Portal for Earth Science Data Exploration

As research in the Earth and environmental sciences evolves to become more data-intensive, the ability to discover, integrate and analyze massive amounts of heterogeneous scientific information has become critical to enabling researchers to address complex questions about the environment and […]

EZID Summer 2012 Webinar on August 15

Do you manage or help others manage any kinds of digital objects, such as texts, data sets, terms, or images? Do you need an easy solution to citing and providing access to this kind of work? EZID makes it simple […]

Staff Transition at the Web Archiving Service

To: Web Archiving Service Users and Community From: Tracy Seneca, Web Archiving Service Manager I’m writing to announce that in early August I will be moving on to an exciting new opportunity as the Digital Services Librarian at the University […]

Merritt Service Update – June 2012

Service Description Merritt is a production level service that provides the UC community with an easy to use tool to manage, archive, and share their content. Content can be deposited and managed via a user-interface or an API. Service Managers […]

DMPTool Service Update – June 2012

Service Description The Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool) provides an easy to use interface that: Helps users create ready-to-use data management plans for specific funding agencies Meets funder requirements for data management plans Provides step-by-step instructions and guidance for how […]