Category: EZID
Come join UC3’s software development team
The UC Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL) is looking to grow their team of developers with an experienced full-stack Senior Software Developer interested in shaping the future of connected research outputs within the persistent identifier ecosystem. […]
Effective Data Practices: new recommendations to support an open research ecosystem
We are pleased to announce the release of a new report written with our partners at the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American Universities (AAU), and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU): Implementing Effective Data […]
Passing the Torch of Persistence: EZID Development Update
Persistent identifiers are the backbone of scholarly communication infrastructure and long-term digital preservation, key to supporting a fully networked research ecosystem. CDL’s EZID service has been a leading example in the library and research community for how digital curation tools can enable […]
Where We Go From Here: An Update on EZID
Rather than thinking about EZID solely as a tool or a service, we want to situate it instead as one layer of a deep and broad persistent identifier portfolio at CDL. EZID is a great tool for creating and managing […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #8, 2018 Wrap-Up and Looking to 2019
The ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) team made great strides in 2018 toward their goal to transition the ARK specification and registry from the California Digital Library to a community supported and managed activity. Some highlights of the work so far this year: The […]
Maria Gould joins CDL as UC3 Product Manager
CDL is happy to welcome Maria Gould as our new UC3 Product Manager. In her new role, Maria will focus on persistent identifier-focused projects including the EZID service. Maria was previously the Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian at UC Berkeley, […]
Greg Janée in Transition
Greg Janée, lead developer for the EZID service, has recently stepped up to be the Director of the Data Curation Program at the UCSB Library. Greg, who joined CDL’s UC3 team at 50% time 10 years ago, shifted to CDL’s infrastructure team […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #7, inaugural meeting of the Advisory Group
The ARKs-in-the-Open Advisory Group (AG) met for the first time July 17, 2018. This is the high-level group that will provide the means for transitioning the ARK infrastructure (specification, NAAN registry) from the California Digital Library (CDL) to a community […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #6, Advisory Group formed
The ARKs in the Open team is delighted to announce the formation of the ARKs-in-the-Open Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will provide a means for transitioning the ARK specification and registry from the California Digital Library to a community supported […]
CDL Job Opening for UC3 Product Manager (EZID) / Research Data Specialist
The California Digital Library (CDL) was founded at the University of California in 1997 to take advantage of emerging technologies that were transforming the way digital information was being published and accessed. Since then, CDL has built a strong portfolio […]