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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

New Web Archive: Current Events in China – Popular Websites, Blogs & Twitters

By Su Chen, Head, UCLA East Asian Library Newsnet, Commentary, Blog, and Twitter are the major channels for over 500 million Chinese to access news, voice opinions, and exchange ideas on current important domestic and international issues, although the exchanges are […]

Web Archiving Service (WAS) has a new look!

The University of California’s Web Archiving Service (WAS) launched a new public interface. Check it out:! The fresh new look showcases the importance of web archiving and promotes access to WAS partner institution collections. Under About and Features you’ll get an overview of […]

EZID Service Update: July 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Registration for the DataCite summer meeting is now open to everyone who wants to know more about the latest developments helping to integrate data into the record of science. The event is free, but […]

Announcing DataCite Metadata Version 3.0

Scholarly research is producing more digital research data, and scholarly communication depends on data to verify findings, create new research, and share outcomes. Until recently, a persistent approach to access, identification, sharing, and re-use of datasets has been missing. DataCite, […]

WAS Service Update: June 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities WAS 2.0 release of new curator tools. Development and testing completed. Release date scheduled for the week of July 8. The curator features will include: ability to override robots.txt; new QA reports; additional metadata […]

DataUp Service Update: June 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities The DataUp project received a 12-month grant from the National Science Foundation to improve on the current feature set. The funds are a supplemental grant to the DataONE project ( and will be used […]

Merritt Service Update: June 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities The migration of the Merritt infrastructure to Virtual Machines (VMs) is complete. Each of the Merritt microservices had to be moved and tested. The migration went smoothly, and the new VMs will provide a […]

DMPTool Service Update: June 2013

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities The DMPTool blog has moved! To get the latest updates and news, redirect your browsers to Next generation DMPTool development status: We are making good progress on the next version of the DMPTool. […]

Web Archiving Service (WAS) 2.0 Release of New Curator Tools

The web is ephemeral – sites are continually redesigned and updated. Pages and even sites can disappear overnight. The Web Archiving Service (WAS) provides curator tools for selecting, capturing, managing, and preserving web content and a public interface for the […]

EZID Service Update: June 2013

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID clients were invited to comment on and test a new version of the DataCite Metadata Schema EZID and also to comment on a DataCite poll about data quality. EZID clients who create DOIs are […]