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Category: Newsletter

EZID Introduces Link Checking

The EZID team is happy to announce the introduction of link checking. EZID now checks the location URLs (links) of all identifiers to see if any are broken. Here are the details: EZID runs a harvester that continuously checks links. […]

Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Digital Library Collection Seven is Available

For the nine participating campuses (all except UCSB), Morgan & Claypool (M&C) Publishers Synthesis Series ( has begun making its seventh collection of lectures available online. The basic component of the library is a 50 to 100-page electronic book that […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Campus 3rd Quarter 2016 Reports

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley:  “Marxist Theories of Development, the New International Division […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: October 2016

For the month of September, we added a new serial package AnthroSource online journals (29 titles). Other major serial record distributions include EBSCO journals (34 titles), and Open Access journals (308 titles which include: BioMed Central online journals, 36 titles; […]

WorldCat Discovery beta: MARC Record Refinements

  This month’s WorldCat Discovery installation on September 29, 2016 included the following new features and enhancements. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these do not have an impact on Melvyl.) […]

EZID Service Update: September 2016

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities John Kunze, EZID’s Lead Architect, presented a paper at SciDataCon, part of International Data Week in Denver, CO (September 11-17). John’s paper, “A Vocabulary for Persistence,”  ( was part of the Semantic Enrichment, Metadata and […]

CDL Welcomes Khatira Nawabi

On Tuesday, September 27th, Khatira Nawabi joined CDL as my new Executive Assistant, and Ivy Anderson’s Administrative Assistant, beginning . Khatira brings a wealth of experience and an impressive portfolio to her new position, including high-level experience in preparing correspondence, […]

DMPTool Service Update: August 2016

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Enhancements. We just released some small tweaks and enhancements designed to boost community insight into DMP behaviors (details on the blog). We’re especially keen to collect feedback about what DMP metrics are most useful as we consider […]

Welcome developer/intern Manoj Tuguru

We are happy to announce the arrival of Manoj Tuguru at CDL as a developer intern. Manoj graduated in June with a Master of Science in Software Engineering degree from Drexel University, where he was a student of Jane Greenberg.  The […]

Judy Dobry Joins D2D

At the beginning of September, Judy joined CDL’s Discovery to Delivery (D2D) team as Tech Manager.  In Judy’s own words: Judy Dobry comes to CDL from Berkeley’s Graduate Division where she was IT Director.  At Berkeley, Judy and her team […]