Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: May 2017
SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of April. This monthly report shows titles being added and/or removed from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are highlights of our major record distributions. Our major serial record distributions include Open Access journals (105 titles which include: DOAJ, 84 titles), Reveal Digital. Independent voices online journals (168 titles), and China online journals (21 titles which include: Arts, humanities, & education, 17 titles). Also 101 titles of EBSCO journals were removed (include Academic search complete, 47 titles; Business source complete, 53 titles).
For monographs, the major record distributions are: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (80 titles), EBSCO. Japanese DDA pilot online monographs (319 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (115 titles), JSTOR online monographs (206 titles, which include: CDL DDA pilot online monographs, 197 titles), Wiley online monographs (155 titles), Airiti online monographs (69 titles), and Apabi online monographs. Ebooks (198 titles). Also 55 titles of Airiti PDA monographs were removed.
Notes: On the May 1st distribution, a new package Sage Research Methods online monographs (852 titles of eBooks and reference) was added.
For DDA programs, as of today, 925 titles available from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (281 titles); 2,656 titles from the EBSCO Japanese DDA, 661 titles available from the JSTOR CDL DDA pilot, and 1,910 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 168 purchases from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE for year 2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles), 198 from the EBSCO Japanese, 25 from the JSTOR and 337 from the Airiti.
Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking |
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