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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

Web Archive for California Water Research

The Water Resources Center Archives (WRCA), using the California Digital Library’s Web Archiving Service, has built the California Water Districts Web Archive, a comprehensive archive of water district websites.  This Web archive is now available to the general public at: […]

HathiTrust Update

By Heather Christenson, Mass Digitization Project Manager and CDL HathiTrust Project Manager The HathiTrust has released a January 2010 update.  The following are highlights of UC contributions to the HathiTrust, as well as items of special interest to our UC […]

CDL welcomes Greg Janée

By John Kunze, CDL Preservation Technologies Architect Please join me in welcoming a new half-time developer, Greg Janée to the UC Curation Center.  Greg will be working remotely from Santa Barbara, where the other half of his time goes to […]

DataONE to Deal with Data Deluge

Researchers at the University of California have partnered with dozens of other universities and agencies to create DataONE (, a global data access and preservation network for earth and environmental scientists that will support breakthroughs in environmental research.

iPRES 2009 hosted by CDL

On October 5-6 2009, over 300 people from 22 countries attended iPRES 2009 at the Mission Bay Conference Center on the UCSF Mission Bay campus. iPRES 2009 was the sixth in an annual series of conferences devoted to digital preservation, and with the 300 attendees, the largest ever.

Public Access to Web Archiving Service Goes Live

The California Digital Library is pleased to announce public access to the archives built with the Web Archiving Service. The tools that CDL provides to capture, curate and preserve websites now also enable librarians to publish the archives they've created for the benefit of researchers and the general public.

CDLers in Print

Patricia Cruse, director of the CDL Digital Preservation Program, and Beth Sandore, have edited a special issue of Library Trends. Also included is an article by CDL's Web Archiving Service Manager, Tracy Seneca, entitled, The Web-at-Risk at Three: Overview of an NDIIPP Web Archiving Initiative.

End of Bush's Term: Will It Disappear from the Web?

Will the Homeland Security and No Child Left Behind websites disappear on January 20th 2009? To ensure that the historical record of the current administration is not lost, a partnership of government and nonprofit agencies has taken responsibility for its preservation.

CDL Staff at IFLA Conference

Margaret Low, software engineer in Digital Preservation, recently returned from the IFLA Annual Conference in Quebec where she presented a very well-received paper on the CDL preservation infrastructure.

CDL Staff in Print

CDL's Preservation Program staff member Erik Hetzner presented a paper at JCDL (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last month.  His paper is entitled, "A simple method for citation metadata extraction using hidden Markov models" and is now available online.