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Tier 2 Transition: OECD iLibrary Upgrade

On March 28, 2018, a major upgrade of the OECD iLibrary was implemented; the current site was fully replaced and all related links were redirected to the new version. This transition affects nine campuses (All except UCSF). (B, D, I, […]

WorldCat Discovery beta: Email Improvements

The WorldCat Discovery installation on March 29, 2018 included the following new features and enhancements. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these enhancements do not have an impact on Melvyl since […]

Cycles 8/9 Collections Analysis Underway – Initial Findings and Summary Reports Available for Download

WEST completed its last full collection analysis in 2016 when, for the first time, WEST Archive Holders and Builders made commitments for two years of archiving work. Now, as WEST nears the end of the second year of that work, […]

New Mass Digitization Section Added to

The Mass Digitization section on the website has a brand new look!  New and updated content describes the work, goals, and projects of the Mass Digitization team. Included is information on where to find, access, and use UC’s mass […]

Welcome Chris Erdmann, Library Carpentry Community and Development Director

The University of California Curation Center (UC3) is excited to announce that Chris Erdmann has been hired as the Library Carpentry Community and Development Director starting May 4, 2018. Chris has been working in the libraries for more than 21 years to […]

Over one million digital items from California cultural heritage institutions now available through Calisphere!

The deeper you look, the even more you discover! Big news: over one million historical images, texts, recordings, and other primary resources are now available in the statewide digital resource aggregation represented by Calisphere, and soon in the Digital Public […]

Call for Cycle 7 Archive Disclosures – Due May 25, 2018

The WEST project team recently sent out a call for WEST Archive Holders and Builders to submit metadata records describing the journal backfiles archived during WEST Cycle 7. Cycle 7 marks the second year in WEST’s inaugural two-year archiving period. During […]

CDL Job Opportunity: Metadata Product Manager (career position)

The California Digital Library (CDL) is a collaborative effort of the ten campuses of the University of California. As a UC systemwide library, CDL provides services to and on behalf of the UC system in partnership with the UC campus […]

UC Libraries on eScholarship

The UC Libraries now have a presence on eScholarhip. The URL is: You can also find this content by searching “University of California Systemwide Libraries” in the eScholarship search box. The documents found on the UC Libraries eScholaship presence are products […]

Introducing CDL’s Strategic Vision

When CDL set out to articulate a new strategy for our organization, we called the activity “strategic visioning,” not “strategic planning.” While a subtle distinction, it was a deliberate attempt to differentiate what we were doing from more traditional strategy […]