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Category: UC Libraries News

Introducing Zephir, HathiTrust’s New Metadata Management System

The California Digital Library (CDL), in collaboration with staff from the University of Michigan, has developed and implemented a new bibliographic metadata management system, Zephir, for the HathiTrust Digital Library. HathiTrust is a large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from […]

UC Open Access Policy implementation is live!

The Academic Senate of the University of California adopted an Open Access Policy on July 24, 2013, ensuring that future scholarly articles authored by faculty at all 10 UC campuses will be made available to the public at no charge. […]

Common Knowledge Group Guidelines Now Available

Marlo Young, UCSD, UCLAS Communications Manager The new UC Libraries Advisory Structure, its Coordinating Committee and Strategic Action Groups are beginning to operate as a cohesive structure pursuing systemwide plans and priorities established by the Council of University Librarians. As […]

UC Libraries receive grant to support Phase 2 of the Western Regional Storage Trust

Researchers can be assured that the scholarly record will be preserved for future generations through a coordinated system of trusted print archives held at libraries throughout the western United States. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the University of […]

UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) Coordinating Committee Chair Appointed

By Marlo Young (UCSD), UCLAS Communications Manager Monthly updates from the new University of California Advisory Structure will commence in October 2013. Rosalie Lack (CDL) has been appointed Chair of the Coordinating Committee. More detail on the UCLAS Charge to […]

Next Generation Technical Services Management Team Final Report

The Council of University Librarians (CoUL) has just endorsed the Next Generation Technical Services Management Team Final Report ( The NGTS Management Team established a model for cross-functional working groups and project management that continues via the new UC Libraries […]

Introducing the Open Access Policy Implementation (OAPI) project

On July 24, 2013, the Academic Senate of the University of California passed an Open Access Policy, ensuring that future research articles authored by faculty at all 10 campuses of UC will be made available to the public at no […]

UC Libraries Advisory Structure Inaugural Leadership

By Marlo Young (UCSD), UCLAS Communications Manager The University of California Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS) is pleased to announce the establishment of its inaugural leadership. Based on an open nominations process within UCLAS, anonymous peer-voting, and the endorsement of the […]

University of California Faculty Senate Passes Open Access Policy

The press release below can also be seen on the Academic Senate’s homepage at: The Academic Senate of the University of California has passed an Open Access Policy, ensuring that future research articles authored by faculty at all 10 […]

Official Launch of New Library Advisory Structure

By Lorelei Tanji, Chair, Council of University Librarians It is with great pleasure that I announce the official launch of the new UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS).  Designed with extensive input from stakeholders systemwide, the UC Libraries Advisory Structure supports […]