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Category: Newsletter

EZID Service Update: September 2017

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities As announced in early August, EZID is changing its DOI service. If you did not read the announcement, you can find it here: Implementation began in September with these steps: We asked DOI-service […]

DMPTool Team Awarded NSF EAGER Grant for Actionable DMPs

  DMPTool is delighted to announce that the California Digital Library has been awarded a 2-year NSF EAGER grant to support active, machine-actionable data management plans (DMPs). The vision is to convert DMPs from a compliance exercise based on static text documents […]

SCP Monthly Update, September 2017

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of August. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are the highlights of our major record distributions. For […]

Digitization at the speed of light: 6,000 photos of sci-fi history now on Calisphere

Almost 6,000 newly digitized photos of science fiction and fantasy conventions, held by UC Riverside, are now available on Calisphere. See collection. The photos depict the World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon”) and its attendees throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. They […]

Compendex has a new look

In August, Compendex (on the Engineering Village platform) launched an updated interface, refreshed to improve usability.  According to the vendor’s information, “the new user interface will keep all the current navigation and high quality functionality, using a modern interface experience. […]

EZID Service Update: August 2017

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities EZID announced a major shift in its DOI service, scaling back its scope of business to encompass solely the University of California (UC). Non-UC clients will be gradually transitioned to an alternate DOI service […]

WorldCat Discovery beta: Maintain filters from search to search

This month’s WorldCat Discovery installation on August 17, 2017 included the following new features and enhancements. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these enhancements do not have an impact on Melvyl […]

UC Digital Library Forum 2018 — Call for Proposals

The UC Digital Library Forum meeting is happening @ UCR February 27 and 28, 2018.  The overall theme for this year’s conference is “Building the UC Digital Library: theory and practice”. Participants from across the UC libraries, archives, and museums […]

Dash Receives Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Tech

For the second year in a row, a California Digital Library service has captured a Larry L. Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Technology. This year the silver Sautter award went to the Dash team for its user-friendly platform for managing, archiving and […]

SPIE Digital Library moves to new platform

The SPIE Digital Library is migrating from the Silverchair platform to a new SPIE Digital Library platform on Tuesday, August 15, 2017. Features of the new platform include improved search functionality, expanded taxonomy, full text HTML proceedings and eBooks, enhanced […]