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New Resource: CDL purchases Cambridge University Press Journal Archive

With end-of-year funds, CDL purchased the Cambridge University Press (CUP) Journals Archive [2019-2021 archive edition] for systemwide access.  The CUP Journal Archive license, which incorporates previous campus purchases, includes access to the earlier online content of 412 journal titles. Available […]

Jim Vanderveen gets a shorter commute

Jim Vanderveen recently announced his resignation from CDL.  We are truly sad to see Jim go as he’s been a valued and appreciated member of the UC3 family. Jim joined UC3 3 years ago as a Senior DevOps/Developer, providing infrastructure […]

SCP Monthly Update – July 2019

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of June 2019. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. For serials, major distributions were Open Access journals (95 […]

Alexander Street Press platform upgrade (Video Databases)

Alexander Street Press will be moving their video-only collections on a new platform starting July 10th, when the collection URLs will be redirected. According to ProQuest’s press release, “The new interface is simpler and faster with a continued focus on […]

WorldCat Discovery: Open Access .gov and .edu filter expanding

The WorldCat Discovery installation on July 8, 2019 included the following new features and enhancements. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note:  Not all of the enhancements/bug fixes are relevant to the UC Melvyl instances.) […]

Maria Praetzellis joins UC3 as Product Manager

Please join me in welcoming Maria Praetzellis to CDL. She will be taking over the responsibilities of Product Manager for our research data management initiatives including DMPTool, the Support Your Data resource, and our NSF-funded machine-actionable DMP grant project. Maria […]

Meet Noah White – D & D’s new software engineer

CDL’s Discovery and Delivery Team welcomes Noah White as their new software engineer.  Noah will be working primarily on interlibrary loan and machine learning projects. Noah just graduated from UC Davis where he majored in Computer Science and minored in […]

New OA Resource: Hate in America: White Nationalism and the press in the 1920s

CDL one time funds were used for UC’s systemwide contribution to the Reveal Digital “Hate in America” and “Diversity and Dissent” collections. “Diversity and Dissent” will begin digitization in late 2019 and will be announced at that time; “Hate in […]

New Resource: Superstar Journals Database

Superstar Journals Database contains more than 7,470 full-text Chinese journals and more than 1,200 core journals, from 1949-present. It has a good mixture of disciplines, including engineering, agronomy, social science, culture, education, philosophy, and medicine. Seven campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, […]

Another fond farewell – Mihoko Hosoi moves on to Penn State University Libraries

It’s with extraordinarily mixed emotions that I share this next bit of news with everyone.  It’s my sad but happy duty to announce that Mihoko Hosoi has accepted the position of Associate Dean for Collections, Research, and Scholarly Communications at […]