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Tag: HathiTrust

New Mass Digitization Section Added to

The Mass Digitization section on the website has a brand new look!  New and updated content describes the work, goals, and projects of the Mass Digitization team. Included is information on where to find, access, and use UC’s mass […]

HathiTrust Reaches 16 Million Volumes + Most Popular UC Books of 2017

On December 5th, 2017, the 16 millionth volume was deposited into HathiTrust. That’s an elephant-sized accomplishment for an organization that has only existed for nine years! The University of California Libraries have played a significant role in building HathiTrust to […]

Adding Links to HathiTrust Resources in Your Local ILS

UC libraries interested in helping their users find digitized books in HathiTrust, may wish to include links to HathiTrust volumes in your local catalog. The Mass Digitization team recently posted a decision tree to assist with this work. The document is […]

Happy Anniversary New Zealand Hansard: Celebrating 150 Years of Openness and Transparency

This month New Zealand celebrates 150 years of government openness and transparency. It was one of the first countries to record and publish independent transcripts of the speeches and debates in its Parliament. The debates of the New Zealand Parliament were […]

New HathiTrust Section Added to

We recently added a new HathiTrust section to the website. The new section describes UC’s partnership and involvement with the HathiTrust Digital Library and is intended for UC librarians, staff and students, as well as the interested public. The […]

UC Irvine Book Featured as HathiTrust’s 15 Millionth Volume

Congratulations to UC Irvine! Their book, digitized as part of the Google Library Project, was recently celebrated as the 15 millionth volume contributed to the HathiTrust Digital Library! Published in 1585, Le Parfait Courtisan du Comte Baltasar Castillonois… is known in English as The Book […]

UC Berkeley Researcher Mines HathiTrust Volumes for Cliometric History of Postsecondary Education in California

By guest blogger, UC Berkeley Economist Zach Bleemer Editor’s note: UC Libraries continue to digitize and add to the HathiTrust corpus that is now over 14.7 million volumes. A key reason for digitizing library collections is to facilitate new forms of computer-aided research […]

Flood of UC Riverside Books Flow through Google Digitization Channel

In January 2016, the UC Riverside Libraries joined the University of California’s ongoing digitization project and began sending books to be digitized as part of the Google Books Library Project. The UC Riverside team sends approximately 2,500 volumes each month and […]

14.6 Million Books to be Made Available to Blind & Print-Disabled Readers

HathiTrust Digital Library is collaborating with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) to make 14.6 million digital volumes fully accessible to blind and print-disabled readers in the United States. The two organizations have worked together to bring to fruition their […]

CDL Welcomes Conclusion of Authors Guild v. Google

CDL welcomes the conclusion of the Authors Guild’s decade long lawsuit against Google. The suit came to an end April 18th when the Supreme Court declined to hear the Authors Guild’s Appeal of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision […]