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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

CDL and Partners Receive Sloan Funding to Enhance DMPTool Features; Reach Out to Community

By Carly Strasser, Data Curation Specialist The California Digital Library and its partners were awarded a $590,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to fund further development of the popular Data Management Planning Tool (DMPTool) in 2013.  The bulk […]

EZID Service Update: November/December 2012

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities At DataCite’s General Assembly meeting this year in Cologne, EZID was honored with the 2012 Gold Award for assigning more than 250,000 DOIs (digital object identifiers) in one year. This reflects EZID’s growth in […]

EZID wins 2012 DataCite Gold Award

At DataCite‘s General Assembly meeting this year in Cologne, EZID ( was honored with the 2012 Gold Award for assigning more than 250,000 DOIs (digital object identifiers) in one year. This reflects EZID’s growth in 2012, as well as the […]

DataUp Service Update — September & October 2012

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities We formally launched DataUp on 2 October. Most of September was devoted to preparing for this launch. This included close coordination among several groups, including CDL, Microsoft Research, OuterCurve Foundation, and DataONE. We worked […]

Merritt Service Update — September & October 2012

  Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities As part of the Datashare project, we developed several new features: Data user agreements (DUA): Curators may now require anyone downloading their data to first agree to a statement about using the data. Before […]

DMPTool Service Update — September & October 2012

    Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities October was our biggest month ever: 375 new users in October. There is now a total of almost 3500 users, and they’ve created almost 3,000 plans total. Among the UC campuses, there were […]

WAS Service Update – October 2012

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Work continues on the WAS 2.0 release and the WAS public interface redesign. iPRES 2012: WAS Service Manager, Rosalie Lack, attended the iPRES 2012 Conference. Of the sessions dedicated to web archiving, of particular interest […]

EZID Service Update — September & October 2012

    September & October Activities We conducted an identifier clean-up exercise and were able to reduce substantially the incidence of broken and bad links. To all who assisted, we are thankful for your participation in the effort to insure […]

WAS Service Update – September 2012

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities Fall 2012 releases update WAS 2.0: We are continuing the quality assurance testing for the WAS 2.0 release; among the areas of focus are the new solr index; duplicate reduction (which will substantially reduced the […]

UC Librarians in Print

Five UC librarians have coauthored an article in the Journal of eScience Librarianship, “A Collaborative Framework for Data Management Services: The Experience of the University of California”. The abstract describes the article’s content as follows: The National Science Foundation and […]