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Category: Melvyl

WorldCat Discovery beta: Tell Us What You Think

  What’s happening with the WorldCat Discovery Beta? The WorldCat Discovery Services beta launched in April 30, 2014 and is currently slated to conclude in April 2015. WorldCat Discovery merges WorldCat Local and FirstSearch on a new platform with major […]

Melvyl Enhancements: Availability on Brief and Call Numbers in Lists

In their latest installation of enhancements, OCLC fixed a bug where call numbers were not appearing in saved lists. In order to take advantage of this fix, it was necessary to turn on the Availability on Brief (AoB) record display […]

Melvyl Central Index Update

It’s July 2014, and time for the biannual addition of new databases released by OCLC to Melvyl’s Central Index. Currently, CDL adds databases to the all instances of the Melvyl Central Index for resources managed by CDL and licensed by […]

Melvyl Changes – Hold Your Horses!

The long-awaited ability to see MARC records is coming June 26, 2014 to WorldCat Discovery—the merger of FirstSearch WorldCat and WorldCat Local (aka Melvyl) — in what is called staff mode. This new feature also introduces a lot of unknowns […]

Melvyl Enhancements – May 2014

OCLC brought in two enhancements to WorldCat Local impacting Melvyl on May 22, 2014, described below. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these do not have an impact on Melvyl.) Enhancement: […]

Request from eBook records, yes you can

Melvyl includes millions of eBook records, and it is often difficult to find the parallel print record in order to request the item. However, you don’t need to find the parallel record – you can submit a Request from the […]

UCSF Mt. Zion Library Records Now in Melvyl

Mt. Zion Library records now appear in Melvyl as part of the UC San Francisco Library collection (Level 1) for UCSF. Mt. Zion is an affiliated UCSF library located off-campus. Records appear as part of the University of California Libraries […]

WorldCat Discovery Services beta is launched

On April 30, 2014 OCLC released the WorldCat Discovery Services beta to existing WorldCat Local customers. OCLC has provided campus-specific preview URLs for the WorldCat Discovery Services (Beta) interface. Links to the beta are available on the CDL Melvyl website. […]

Melvyl Enhancements – April 2014

OCLC brought in three enhancements to WorldCat Local impacting Melvyl on April 24, 2014, described below. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note that many of these do not have an impact on Melvyl.) Bug […]

Update: WorldCat Discovery Services Beta Timeline for Melvyl and FirstSearch

OCLC has announced WorldCat® Discovery Services, a new suite of cloud-based applications that will be bringing the FirstSearch® and WorldCat® Local (WCL) services together.  They have also announced that WorldCat Discovery Services will be available to all current FirstSearch subscribers in March 2014.  […]