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Category: WEST

AGUA Development Phase 5 – Input Requested

Every other year WEST solicits unarchived holdings files from members and performs a collections analysis to identify what journals will be archived on behalf of the group over the next two years. During the ‘off years’ the WEST project team […]

WEST archiving activities & resources for library services during and after COVID-19

With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and resulting healthcare concerns, as well as the widespread and potentially long term closures that WEST libraries are experiencing, the WEST project team encourages any member institutions that are still open and operating to pause […]

CRL metadata validation reports for PAPR disclosures available

In consultation with WEST, the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) Team is providing new metadata error reports for WEST members’ optional review and action. These reports provide an overview of the metadata provided to PAPR […]

An update on WEST Archive Builders

WEST is unique in its investment in what our program calls archive building. The majority of WEST Archivers agree to retain proposed titles and mark that commitment in the records’ metadata, which is then disclosed in program and public registries. […]

Validation at ASU

WEST’s unique tiered archiving structure is based on electronic availability and the risk of content loss if the physical material is damaged, lost, or otherwise unavailable. The WEST Archive Builders put high risk materials through a physical validation process as […]

ALA 2020 Annual Meeting Canceled – WEST Exploring Alternative Options for Members Meeting

The American Library Association’s Executive Board has just announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic they are canceling the 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for June 25-30 in Chicago. In light of this cancelation, WEST will be exploring alternatives for […]

WEST Assessment Webinar summary

The WEST project team hosted three webinars presenting brief program updates, an overview of findings from the 2019 WEST Assessment, and the outcomes of the strategic planning session held in October 2019. Slide deck is now available through the California […]

Call for Volunteers for WEST 2020 Working Groups –Disclosure & Validation Standards and Resource Sharing

At the 2019 WEST Strategic Planning Session, WEST governance committee members created a set of strategic recommendations to guide WEST through the coming years. Among the recommendations were to create a number of working groups to review and investigate specific […]

Rosemont Shared Print Alliance updates – new introductory video!

As part of WEST’s participation in the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance, the project team would like to share the following updates with members. The Rosemont Alliance is a federation of shared print programs that retain their decision-making autonomy, but seek […]

EXTRA SESSION ANNOUNCED: New 2019 WEST Assessment informational webinar session – February 6, 2-3:30pm PST

The WEST project team will host an additional informational webinar session to present the findings of the 2019 WEST Assessment and review the outcomes and recommendations of the in-person strategic planning session held in October 2019: Thursday February 6, 2020 […]