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Tag: design

Websites: Make Them Accessible to Everyone

Is your website as accessible and inclusive as it should be for all your potential audiences?    The University of California is committed to providing an electronic environment that is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. To make it easier […]

Going Beyond Pie Charts: More Ways to Use Visuals

“Love pie. Hate pie-charts” is a playful quote from a talented data designer featured below. It captures the we-can-do-better attitude of the individuals and organizations leading the charge for clear and effective visuals to get your point across. After an […]

Use the Power of Visuals to Get Your Point Across

Some people are brilliant at melding words and visuals. Most of us struggle to create engaging presentations, documents and web pages. We’ve all been told it’s crucial to appeal to visual as well as verbal thinkers, but knowing how to […]