Tag: arks
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #8, 2018 Wrap-Up and Looking to 2019
The ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) team made great strides in 2018 toward their goal to transition the ARK specification and registry from the California Digital Library to a community supported and managed activity. Some highlights of the work so far this year: The […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #7, inaugural meeting of the Advisory Group
The ARKs-in-the-Open Advisory Group (AG) met for the first time July 17, 2018. This is the high-level group that will provide the means for transitioning the ARK infrastructure (specification, NAAN registry) from the California Digital Library (CDL) to a community […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #6, Advisory Group formed
The ARKs in the Open team is delighted to announce the formation of the ARKs-in-the-Open Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will provide a means for transitioning the ARK specification and registry from the California Digital Library to a community supported […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #5, DuraSpace Summit and CNI engagement
The ARKs in the Open team has been out on the road, attending the DuraSpace Summit as well as the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring meeting in San Diego, California. Both events provided great networking opportunities, and, at the […]
ARKs in the Open: Project Update #4 on the ARK Identifier Summit and Experts Day
The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) organized an ARK Identifier Summit followed by an ARK Experts Day in Paris last week. The California Digital Library’s John Kunze, Identifier Systems Architect and creator of ARKs, was invited to give the opening […]
ARKs in the Open – Project Update #3, Roadmap and Resources and Value Statement
Add your voice to the new ARKs in the Open Roadmap and Resources and Value Statement. These new project artifacts describe the product and community resources required to fulfill a sustainable future for ARKS and our value proposition. The roadmap […]
ARKs in the Open – Project Update #2
As part of the Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) in the Open project, we want to articulate and refine the long-term vision for ARK identifiers, starting with the ARK specification, and to collaborate with users on how to achieve it. Incubators […]
ARKs in the Open – Project Update #1
As announced last week, the California Digital Library (CDL) and DuraSpace are collaborating to build an open, international community around Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) and their use as persistent identifiers in the open scholarly ecosystem. We’re calling the project ARKs […]
CDL and DuraSpace launch open community outreach initiative for ARK identifiers
California Digital Library (CDL) and DuraSpace are pleased to announced a collaboration aimed at building an open, international community around Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) and their use as persistent identifiers in the open scholarly ecosystem. Over 550 institutions (research, not-for-profit, […]