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Systemwide Library Planning Director

The Systemwide Library Planning (SLP) Director plays a key role in envisioning, positioning, and implementing policies and initiatives of strategic importance within the UC Libraries Advisory Structure, Systemwide Planning & Consultative Structure, and UC Office of the President. Systemwide initiatives […]

Two J-DAC databases (Socio-Cultural History Database)

The two databases are part of Shakai bunkashi dētabēsu 社会文化史データベース = Socio-Cultural History Database included in J-DAC and are found on the database homepage at: The two new resources included are:  Seifūzoku kishō zasshi korekushon  性風俗稀少雑誌コレクション  (Collection of Magazines on […]

SCP Update – February 2023

Highlights on Titles Cataloged for CDL-Managed Electronic Collections in January 2023 ACM Digital Library Complete: 20 Airiti Books (華藝中文電子書) (Local-L DDA): 34 Asami Collection (Local-OA): 2751 (New) Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2022 All Books: 117 (GOBI) CNPe-Reading (易阅通) (Local-L […]

CDL Information Services and UC Courier Management ticketing systems migration from Footprints to Freshdesk

Why are the CDL Helpline and Courier Management ticketing systems migrating from Footprints to Freshdesk? Due to cybersecurity concerns with the Footprints software, Footprints will be decommissioned on March 14, 2023. Instead, the CDL Helpline and Courier Management teams will […]

Welcome Jing to UC3

I’m delighted to announce that Jing Jiang is a member of the UC3 development team as a Senior Software Developer (PA4).  Jing will be supporting the persistent identifier portfolio as the technical lead for its accompanying identifier services EZID and […]

February 2023 UC Libraries HathiTrust Help Center Newsletter Now Posted!

The latest newsletter for the UC Libraries HathiTrust Help Center is now posted. It highlights news and information about UC’s participation in and contributions to the HathiTrust Digital Library. The newsletter is intended for UC library staff and others working […]

New Enhancements to the AGUA On Demand Collection Comparison Report

WEST is pleased to announce enhancements to the On Demand Collection Comparison (ODCC) tool available in AGUA, WEST’s collection comparison and decision support tool. This project focused updates on the ArchivedComparison report, which provides detailed information about retained copies of […]

CDL Welcomes Maureen Purcell

Please join us in welcoming Maureen Purcell to CDL as our new UX content specialist. After graduating from UCLA with a B.A. in Anthropology, Maureen worked at UCLA for over seven years. She most recently supported the online web presence […]

Merritt Digital Preservation Repository – January 2023

Merritt is a digital preservation repository from the University of California Curation Center (UC3) that enables the UC community to manage, archive, and share its valuable digital content. Welcome to the Merritt service update for January 2023 New Content and […]

Welcome to Steve Diggs

It is my pleasure to announce that Steve Diggs joins California Digital Library (CDL) as the University of California Curation Center (UC3)’s new Senior Product Manager for our data publishing portfolio.  Steve is coming to us from the Scripps Institution of […]