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Category: Publishing, Archives, and Digitization

Over one million digital items from California cultural heritage institutions now available through Calisphere!

The deeper you look, the even more you discover! Big news: over one million historical images, texts, recordings, and other primary resources are now available in the statewide digital resource aggregation represented by Calisphere, and soon in the Digital Public […]

UC Libraries on eScholarship

The UC Libraries now have a presence on eScholarhip. The URL is: You can also find this content by searching “University of California Systemwide Libraries” in the eScholarship search box. The documents found on the UC Libraries eScholaship presence are products […]

Cobweb Update: How Cobweb Facilitates Participatory Web Archiving

Given its breadth and depth, archiving the web can seem an overwhelming endeavor. Digital curators typically approach web archiving by first determining what to collect based on the collecting scope established by their organization. Once they’ve identified the general theme […]

CDL Opening for Senior Product Manager

The California Digital Library (CDL) is a collaborative effort of the ten campuses of the University of California. As a UC systemwide library, CDL provides services to and on behalf of the UC system in partnership with the UC campus […]

Birds, Bees, and EZIDs: Where Do CDL’s Persistent Identifiers Come from?

Leading up to UC-DLFx, CDL staff had been asked  to explain how our services work with EZID and how the identifiers used in each system are related. At the conference we gave a brief presentation illustrating how Merritt, eScholarship, and Dash […]

CDL Job Opening for Applications Programmer

The California Digital Library (CDL) is seeking an Applications Programmer analyst to help build and provide access to a world-class collection of historical and primary source materials.  We need your expertise to uncover and share the remarkable, one-of-a-kind collections held […]

A Farewell to Sherri Berger

It is our bittersweet task to announce that Sherri Berger, OAC/Calisphere Strategic Initiatives Manager, will be leaving CDL shortly to take a position as the Digital Programs Officer at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.  Sherri has had a […]

Cobweb Update: Supporting Collaborative Web Archiving

Not unlike the arachnids to which we allude in the Cobweb name, the team behind this open source service platform designed to support collaborative collection development for web archives has been industriously working up an initial prototype of the system. […]

HathiTrust Reaches 16 Million Volumes + Most Popular UC Books of 2017

On December 5th, 2017, the 16 millionth volume was deposited into HathiTrust. That’s an elephant-sized accomplishment for an organization that has only existed for nine years! The University of California Libraries have played a significant role in building HathiTrust to […]

In Memoriam: Mark Redar

It is with deep sadness that the California Digital Library shares news of the passing of Mark Redar, Programmer Analyst on the Digital Special Collections team. Since coming to CDL in July 2008, Mark developed and maintained tools used by […]