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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

Eric Lopatin joins CDL as UC3’s new Product Manager

We are excited to have Eric Lopatin join us as UC3’s new Product Manager.  Eric brings with him a long-standing appreciation for software quality, UX prototyping, and technical workflows which stem from prior roles at Amazon Music, Adobe Systems, Inc, and Public Library […]

Where We Go From Here: An Update on EZID

Rather than thinking about EZID solely as a tool or a service, we want to situate it instead as one layer of a deep and broad persistent identifier portfolio at CDL. EZID is a great tool for creating and managing […]

ARKs in the Open: Project Update #8, 2018 Wrap-Up and Looking to 2019

The ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) team made great strides in 2018 toward their goal to transition the ARK specification and registry from the California Digital Library to a community supported and managed activity. Some highlights of the work so far this year: The […]

Stephanie Simms Leaving CDL

For the past 3 ½ years, Stephanie Simms has led many Research Data Management projects within the University of California Curation Center (UC3).  In her role, she has been both a consultant to campuses, as a Research Data Specialist, and […]

Maria Gould joins CDL as UC3 Product Manager

CDL is happy to welcome Maria Gould as our new UC3 Product Manager. In her new role, Maria will focus on persistent identifier-focused projects including the EZID service. Maria was previously the Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian at UC Berkeley, […]

Community-Owned Data Publishing Infrastructure

As a library community, we continue to struggle to find scalable approaches to offering open, shared, sustainable scholarly infrastructure. This is especially true in the data publishing and research data management space where institution-focused approaches to capturing and curating data […]

Greg Janée in Transition

Greg Janée, lead developer for the EZID service, has recently stepped up to be the Director of the Data Curation Program at the UCSB Library. Greg, who joined CDL’s UC3 team at 50% time 10 years ago, shifted to CDL’s infrastructure team […]

Stephen Abrams leaving CDL

As many of you know, Stephen Abrams will be returning to the Boston area in order to be in closer geographic proximity to family.  His last day at CDL will be October 5, 2018. For over 10 years, Stephen has been […]

ARKs in the Open: Project Update #7, inaugural meeting of the Advisory Group

The ARKs-in-the-Open Advisory Group (AG) met for the first time July 17, 2018. This is the high-level group that will provide the means for transitioning the ARK infrastructure (specification, NAAN registry) from the California Digital Library (CDL) to a community […]

Cobweb Update: Establishing a Collaborative Collecting Project

Over the next few weeks, we will be conducting user testing of the Cobweb functional prototype along with a few high-fidelity wireframes to learn from potential users about what they’d consider most useful in a collaborative collection development platform. One […]