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Category: UC Curation Center (UC3)

DMPTool Service Update: April – May 2012

DMPTool Service Description The Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool) provides an easy to use interface that: • Helps users create ready-to-use data management plans for specific funding agencies • Meets funder requirements for data management plans • Provides step-by-step instructions […]

WAS Service Update: April– May 2012

WAS Service Description The Web Archiving Service (WAS) enables librarians, archivists and researchers to capture, curate and preserve websites and web‐published materials.   WAS makes it easy to build web archives, with scheduling and other tools to help manage your archive.  […]

EZID Service Update: April – May 2012

Service Description  EZID (easy-eye-dee) is a production service that gives researchers the ability to create and manage long-term identifiers so that they can to track usage, get credit for their work, share their data, and have the data reused for […]

CDL Departures May, June 2012

CDL reports with mixed feelings the upcoming retirements of three of our valued colleagues: John Ober, Margaret Low, and Claudia Woo. John Ober began his stint as CDL Assistant Director for Education and Communications in 1998 and leaves us as […]

EZID: now even easier to manage identifiers

EZID (, the easy long-term identifier service, just got a new look. EZID lets you create and maintain ARKs and DataCite Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), and now it’s even easier to use: One stop for EZID and all EZID information, […]

Visit the Data Pub at CDL

By Patricia Cruse, Director, UC Curation Center Data management plans, data publication, and calls for open data are raising  the visibility of digital data as a medium to be addressed by a wide community of researchers, libraries, museums and data centers.  […]

Additional institutions adopting the DMPTool for managing their scholars’ research needs

The DMPTool now supports the National Institutes of Health (NIH) data sharing requirements.  NIH requires that projects seeking more than $500,000 in direct costs in any single year address data sharing plans in their grant application.  In some cases, some […]

Web Archiving Service Welcomes Emory University Libraries

CDL Welcomes Emory University Libraries as the newest Web Archiving Service ( partner!  Kate Donovan Jarvis, Emory’s University Archivist and Erika Farr, Coordinator for Digital Archives will be using the service to archive the University’s websites.  They will also use […]

Web Archivists: Call for Speakers is Open for Internet Librarian 2012

The call for submissions is now open for the 16th annual Internet Librarian conference,  taking place October 22-24 in Monterey, California.  The conference focuses on libraries’ use of internet technologies and covers a wide range of topics.  Just a few of […]

EZID now offers QR codes

By Joan Starr, EZID Service Manager The EZID User Interface now displays a QR code representing the URL form of the DOI or ARK. The QR Code appears on the Manage tab. If the identifier is doi:10.1234/FOO, for example, the […]