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Category: Mass Digitization

HathiTrust Update, September 2011 – Constitutional Convention and much more

Read the latest about the recent HathiTrust Constitutional Convention (with wide UC library participation), HathiTrust Mobile, Authors Guild Lawsuit, and a whole host of other initiatives in the latest HathiTrust update. Constitutional Convention On October 8-10, 2011, 130 representatives from […]

HathiTrust Constitutional Convention Ballot Proposals and More

As reported in August, a HathiTrust Constitutional Convention will be held in Washington, D.C. from October 8-10, 2011. The Constitutional Convention will consist of a series of sessions over three days, attended by delegates from each partner institution and consortium […]

Reading 5 Million Books at Once: Google N-Grams at TEDxBoston

Google has digitized millions of books from libraries across the world, including the UC Libraries. While our digitized books are great for traditional reading and research, the corpus also offers a unique opportunity for new kinds of inquiry. For instance: […]

UC HathiTrust Update & News

by Heather Christenson, HathiTrust Project Manager, CDL August Activities As the academic year begins, the HathiTrust Update on August Activities provides a report on what the HathiTrust partnership has been up to during the not-so-lazy days of summer.  A number […]

UC Libraries expand access to orphan works

The University of California Libraries will join with the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin and University of Florida in a groundbreaking initiative to identify and make available digital versions of “orphan works” ( within the holdings of the HathiTrust […]

HathiTrust Constitutional Convention; 3-year Review

A HathiTrust Constitutional Convention will be held in Washington, D.C. from October 8-10, 2011. The Constitutional Convention will consist of a series of sessions over 3 days, attended by delegates from each partner institution and consortium. The sessions will be […]

HathiTrust – It Just Gets Better

HathiTrust full-text search now leverages the richness of bibliographic data, and building and searching collections just got easier!  Read on for more details of what this means for researchers. Full-text Search The HathiTrust full-text search index now includes bibliographic data, […]

HathiTrust Mid-Year Review of Achievements & Activities

The HathiTrust Communications Working Group has prepared a summary of HathiTrust achievements and activities for the first part of 2011.  Learn details about this year’s activities, including orphan works, new partners, new content, images, datasets, Shibboleth and much, much more.

Perspectives from HathiTrust: John Wilkin on discovery

HathiTrust has launched a new blog, Perspectives from HathiTrust.    The first post comes from John Wilkin, Associate University Librarian, University of Michigan, and Executive Director, HathiTrust, on the topic of discovery. The HathiTrust Communications Working Group welcomes your ideas […]

HathiTrust May 2011 Update: Orphan Works, New UC Members on Advisory Board and More

The May 2011 HathiTrust update has been posted on the HathiTrust website.  This month’s top news items include research on orphan works and new UC members on the Strategic Advisory Board. Orphan Works Research With funding from HathiTrust, the University […]