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HathiTrust Constitutional Convention Ballot Proposals and More

As reported in August, a HathiTrust Constitutional Convention will be held in Washington, D.C. from October 8-10, 2011. The Constitutional Convention will consist of a series of sessions over three days, attended by delegates from each partner institution and consortium that joined by October 2011.  The University of California Libraries are well represented with fourteen voting delegates, including  at least one representative from each campus and CDL.

The sessions will be geared specifically toward governance, administrative, and financial aspects of HathiTrust.  In particular sessions, proposals submitted by partner institutions will be considered and voted upon.  Three of the seven proposals include participation from the University of California libraries.

If you are interested in the future direction of HathiTrust, we encourage you to browse through the draft agenda for the proceedings, brief FAQ, and the 3-year review of HathiTrust that was overseen by the HathiTrust Strategic Advisory Board (SAB), also available from the Web site.