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Author: Resource Liaisons

Additional content added to Maruzen eBook Library

UCLA Library has contributed funding to acquire the following 11 Japanese reference e-books from Maruzen eBook Library (MeL) to share with all UC campus users. 1 Kaō inshō zuten 花押・印章図典 Yoshikawa Kobunkan 2018 9784642211130 2 Jiten Nihon no nengō 事典日本の年号 […]

Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library Now Available

The UC Berkeley Library has begun a new online subscription to the Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library; the license includes unlimited access and the publisher generously agreed to extend access to all UC campuses without any additional charge. Toyo Keizai […]

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Tier 2 expanding

Currently, several UC campuses (D, I, LA, R, SD, and SF) participate in a Tier 2 license for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Red Book Online. These same campuses are expanding the AAP Tier 2 license to include a […]

Preview of new Web of Science interface

The UC Libraries will soon have access to a preview of the new interface for the Web of Science platform. Beginning in mid-November, look for a message highlighted in purple in the top right corner of the screen, you may […]

SciFindern now available for all UC faculty, staff and students

SciFindern (or SciFinder-n) is the new, streamlined SciFinder interface from CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) that covers the chemical literature, indexing millions of journal articles, patents, substances, and chemical reactions. The current SciFinder is not going away, so UC has access […]

New Resource: Kōbunsō Taika Koshomoku 弘文荘待賈古書目

“Kōbunsō Taika Koshomoku” is a set of antiquarian books catalogs distributed to customers by Shigeo Sorimachi (1901-1991), who founded the vintage bookstore “Kōbunsō” in 1932. All 10,000 pages from the 77 volumes of Kōbunsō’s catalogs originally published between 1933 and […]

O’Reilly for Higher Education now available for UC

O’Reilly for Higher Education (OHE) is now available for all UC campuses on O’Reilly’s new platform: . OHE contains close to 48,000 titles of technical eBooks, videos, interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths and audio books from O’Reilly & […]

New Resource: Toyo Keizai Digital Archives: Unit 2 (1946-2015)

Tōyō Keizai Shinpō (1895-1960)/Shūkan Tōyō Keizai (1961-present) is a Japanese economic journal published to today, and Toyo Keizai Digital Archives: Unit Two offers online access to this journal from 1946 to 2015—the contents cover ca. 3,500 volumes in 445,000 pages […]

New Resource: BungeiShunju Archives

Bungei Shunjū is one of the most popular and influential monthly literary magazines in Japan for almost 100 years. Since founded in 1923, the magazine has been a central venue for numerous contemporary writers to publish their essays, debates, and […]

New Resource: The Gale Digital Scholar Lab

Five campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego) now have access to The Gale Digital Scholar Lab. The Gale Digital Scholar Lab is designed to transform the way researchers access and analyze Gale’s primary source content by integrating […]