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Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library Now Available

The UC Berkeley Library has begun a new online subscription to the Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library; the license includes unlimited access and the publisher generously agreed to extend access to all UC campuses without any additional charge.

The resource includes the following –


Shūkan Tōyō Keizai 週刊東洋経済 (1997- )

Japan Company Handbook (2006- )

Hitotsubashi Bijinesu Rebyū 一橋ビジネスレビュー (2006- )

東洋経済別冊・臨時増刊・MOOKs (2011- )

UCB negotiated this special deal particularly in consideration of the fact that UCSD has agreed to continue their print subscription to Nihon keizai shinbun 日本経済新聞 (shukusatsuban), which UCB was historically in charge of collecting for UC system. Rather than keeping the same print subscription at UC, we prefer to spend money for providing online access to all UC campuses.   

UCB’s Toshie Marra ( is the Resource Liaison for the Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library.