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New Resource: Apabi 100 Chinese Historical Newspapers

Four campuses (UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD) recently licensed Apabi 100 Chinese Historical Newspapers –– 100 rare historical newspapers in the Chinese language published mainly in the first half of the Twentieth Century. Apabi 100 Chinese Historical Newspapers; B, I, […]

JRNL Updates – New Gap Statement Enhancement

The Journal Retention and Needs Listing (JRNL) program recently unveiled enhancements that change how gaps are managed. In the past, institutions wishing to take advantage of JRNL’s gap filling mechanisms were required to list each missing volume, which contributing libraries […]

You Don’t Have To Be A Techie To Create Computer Transcriptions of Handwritten Documents

If your collection contains handwritten documents that could benefit from transcription, then Transkribus may be just what you need. Funded by the European Commission’s READ project, Transkribus can transcribe documents written in many languages and requires no technical knowledge on […]

Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library Now Available

The UC Berkeley Library has begun a new online subscription to the Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library; the license includes unlimited access and the publisher generously agreed to extend access to all UC campuses without any additional charge. Toyo Keizai […]

CDL, CRL & HathiTrust Shared Print Collaboration collection comparison tool release

In the beginning of 2020, CDL joined with the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) and HathiTrust to form a Collaboration for Shared Print Infrastructure. Working together, the Collaboration seeks to build on a decade of community innovation and expertise to […]

Announcing the ARK Alliance

We are thrilled to introduce the ARK Alliance as heir to the successful ARKs-in-the-Open initiative, which began in 2018 with the goal of launching an open, global community around Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) and their use as persistent identifiers in […]

WEST will migrate away from using the OCLC shared print second symbol

At the close of 2019, WEST completed its most recent program assessment and strategic planning process. Assessment outcomes pointed to the timeliness of reviewing and updating key WEST operational policies and practices. Around the same time, OCLC moved into the final […]

The Sixties moves to ASP’s LAZR Platform

The Sixties: Primary Sources and Personal Narratives 1960-1974 has migrated to the LAZR platform, joining other Alexander Street Historical Collections.  See Alexander Street Historical Collections migrate to the LAZR Platform for more information. The Sixties; UCB, UCI, […]

Welcome Lisa Mackinder, CDL’s new Licensing Analyst

The Shared Collections group is pleased to welcome Lisa Mackinder as our new Licensing Analyst.  In this role, Lisa will handle all aspects of license management with publishers and other content providers.  This includes drafting, editing, and negotiating license agreements […]

Save the dates! Upcoming Shared Print Meetings and Webinars

A number of shared print events are scheduled for the coming months, including regular mid-winter meetings such as the Print Archive Network (PAN) Forum and the WEST Members Meeting, scheduled for the last two weeks in January. In February the […]