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Category: Discovery & Delivery

Melvyl Enhancements – February 2012

On February 28, 2012 (12:38 PM PST), OCLC announced the roll back of the software changes installed on Feb. 26 due to some performance issues. OCLC has since announced that the re-installation of the quarterly software changes is scheduled to […]

Melvyl Mobile Stats Debut

Have you wondered which campus Melvyl gets the most mobile searches or if iPad users do more catalog searches than iPhone users?  Are you a mobile-stats watcher? Beginning with the January 2012 usage statistics, monthly search statistics include the number […]

One step closer to making space with PAPR: A project update

Why does print archiving matter? University of California (UC) libraries are running out of space for print journals at the same time that circulation of print journals has declined. In response, print archiving programs like the Western Regional Storage Trust […]

UC is Moving to a Hosted VDX Solution at OCLC in 2012

By Patricia Martin, Director, Discovery & Delivery The Council of University Librarians, in consultation with several All Campus Groups and SOPAG, has endorsed CDL’s plan to move the management of UC’s VDX application from in-house at CDL to hosting at […]

Melvyl Enhancements – November 2011

Several enhancements improve the user experience in Melvyl as a result of OCLC’s Sunday, November 20 install.  The improvements are shown in detail in the attached PDF.  (There are some items that do not apply to the UC libraries’ versions […]

Major Melvyl Enhancements Coming in January

Two exciting new features enhancing Melvyl will be turned on in Melvyl beginning this January: View Now and Central Index.  Two task groups appointed by and reporting to the UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS) recommended that these features be […]

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory joins UC-eLinks

Berkeley Lab joins the ten UC campuses in having access to UC-eLinks for easy linking to articles and other UC-eLinks features. The Lab officially introduced UC-eLinks in September 2011. They created a video to explain how UC-eLinks works. UC Berkeley […]

bX Recommender Purchase Postponed Indefinitely

The UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS) gave serious consideration to the purchase of bX Recommender following a three month trial and assessment last spring.  HOPS determined the service to be of some usefulness in increasing discovery of UC’s full […]

New Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Courier Service to Launch November 7

By Eric Scott, Chair, RSC As of November 7, the University of California Libraries will begin using a new courier service for our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) intercampus deliveries, Accurate Courier Services (  Based on a charge from CDL and SOPAG, the […]

New Melvyl Governance in Place

By Ginny Steel, Chair, CoUL The Council of University Librarians (CoUL) is launching a new systemwide structure to manage the Melvyl WorldCat Local service.  The new structure is incorporated in the CoUL Advisory Structure and consists of the following:  Strategic […]