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Category: Shared Print

WEST Cycles 10 & 11 Call for Unarchived Holdings & Webinar

In the beginning of September, the WEST Project Team sent out a call for unarchived holdings data from WEST Full Members, which will inform the next round of collection analysis (cycles 10 & 11) that will determine what to archive […]

Anna Striker joins CDL as Shared Print Operations and Collections Analyst

The Collection Development & Management Program welcomes Anna Striker as Operations and Collections Analyst for the Shared Print Team. Anna will coordinate operations, collections analysis, statistics, and reporting for both the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) and for UC Libraries’ […]

WEST Member Survey for 2019 Program Assessment and Strategic Planning

WEST has made a practice of engaging in program assessment and strategic planning approximately every three years. This year, WEST has launched its third program assessment, the results of which will inform strategic planning undertaken by the WEST Executive Committee […]

Why WEST? Members Discuss the Value and Future of WEST and Shared Print during the WEST Member Meeting at ALA Annual 2019

On Sunday, June 23rd, WEST members, and colleagues from other shared print programs, gathered for WEST’s biannual member meeting. The highlight of the meeting was indisputably a panel discussion by members exploring the value of WEST, shared print in general, […]

Call for Cycle 8 Archive Disclosures – Due May 31, 2019

The WEST project team recently sent out a call for WEST Archive Holders and Builders to submit metadata records describing the journal backfiles archived during WEST Cycle 8. Back in September, WEST members committed to titles for archiving during Cycles […]

Upcoming Refresher Webinars for WEST Members – May and June

There are some great opportunities coming up to refresh your WEST know-how, whether you are new to WEST activities or an old-hand at this! First, coming up on May 15 from 11am-12pm PT (2-3pm ET) is a Journal Retention and […]

Save the Date! WEST Member Meeting during ALA Annual – Sunday, June 23 from 1-2:30pm ET

The WEST Member Meeting for ALA Annual 2019 in Washington, DC is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, from 1:00 – 2:30pm. Please join us to hear brief program updates and enjoy a WEST member panel discussion and Q&A session on […]

WEST Welcomes New Member – CSU Bakersfield

WEST is very pleased to welcome a new member in 2019 – California State University, Bakersfield! Bakersfield is the tenth CSU campus to join WEST. California State University institutions have long been valued members of the WEST program. Many of […]

Updates and Discussion at the ALA Midwinter 2019 WEST Member Meeting

WEST members met during ALA Midwinter on Sunday, January 27th. About 20 representatives (ranging from deans, to collection managers, to technical services experts) gathered to hear WEST updates and engage with a panel of WEST’s Archive Builders. Meeting slides are […]

2019 WEST Executive Committee Election Results and Operations and Collections Council Appointments

The Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) is governed by an Executive Committee that oversees the operation and development of WEST and works to integrate WEST with related archiving programs nationally and internationally. WEST members cast their votes in elections for […]