Author: CDL
OAC 3.0: Migrating to EAD Version 2002 and a New Platform (XTF)
The OAC is upgrading to OAC 3.0 with the migration to a new platform and support for EAD Version 2002 finding aids. The migration is scheduled to be completed in January 2005. An updated suite of tools, services, and best […]
Melvyl Catalog Maintenance: UCLA Record Load into the Melvyl Catalog
UCLA has moved its catalog, ORION2, to an Endeavor Voyager system and renamed the catalog the “UCLA Library Catalog.” The CDL has been working intensively for several months with Ex Libris and the UCLA library to ensure a smooth transition […]
New CDL Glossary
If you’ve been mystified by the term “dark archive,” or if you’ve always wanted to know the difference between OAI and OAIS but didn’t know where to turn, the new CDL glossary is for you! The glossary is on Inside […]
Library Staff News
a. Robin Chandler named Director of Built Content Robin Chandler, who has been managing the Online Archive of California at the CDL since May 2000, was recently named the Director of Built Content. She will be responsible for the development, […]
Use of Watermarking Technology
The CDL is inserting language about watermarks in its contracts with publishers and vendors and in its technical requirements documents for database and ejournal vendors. A digital watermark is a visible or invisible identification code that is permanently embedded into […]
The CDL Digital Object Framework: A Core Digital Library Building Block
The CDL is in the process of revising the 2001 CDL Digital Object Standard: The new guidelines are slated for release in January 2005. Digital “built content” materials comprise a significant portion of the CDL’s collections. These materials include […]
CDL Fliers Now Available
Fliers describing CDL programs, projects, and services are now available in PDF format on the instructional materials web page under “CDL”: Links to the fliers are also on project web pages. The fliers were distributed to attendees at the […]
New Resources Available
a. Royal Society of Chemistry Archive By Cory Craig (UC Davis), Resource Liaison All UC campuses now have access to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Archive of journals published from 1841-1996. Online access to the RSC journals is available […]
Computer Database and National Newspaper Index Databases Deselected
The CDL systemwide digital subscriptions to the Gale/Infotrac Computer Database and the National Newspaper Index were cancelled as of July 1. Shared Cataloging has sent the cancelled title changes to the campuses. Records will remain in the Melvyl Catalog until […]
Library Staff News
a. Dr. Nancy Kushigian Appointed Director of Shared Print (Courtesy Announcement for Systemwide Library Planning) The Office of Systemwide Library Planning is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nancy Kushigian to the position of Director of Shared Print. In […]