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Author: CDL

Elizabeth Cowell Appointed UCSC Interim University Librarian

From: “CP/EVC” <> Date: June 21, 2013, 12:55:36 PM PDT To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: Appointment of interim University Librarian Unit Managers: Please post a paper copy of this message in your area for people who do not have regular computer access. […]

New UC Libraries Advisory Structure Membership Finalized

Appointees announced Following a selection process coordinated by SOPAG, the Council of University Librarians (CoUL) has finalized membership for the major groups in the new UC Libraries Advisory Structure. Thanks to all of those who were considered for these positions […]

Virginia Steel (UCSC) Appointed UCLA University Librarian Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost To: Administrative Officers, Deans, Department Chairs, Directors, Faculty, Library Staff, Vice Chancellors and Vice Provosts Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to announce the appointment of Virginia Steel as UCLA’s University Librarian, […]

Elizabeth Cowell (UCSC) appointed to GPO Depository Library Council

Begin forwarded message: From: GPO Public Relations <<>> Date: April 3, 2013 8:52:02 AM EDT Subject: ACTING PUBLIC PRINTER NAMES NEW MEMBERS TO DEPOSITORY LIBRARY COUNCIL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 6, 2013 No. 13-13 MEDIA CONTACT: GARY SOMERSET 202.512.1957 | […]

CoUL Issues Statement of Support for Dale Askey

On March 26, 2013, the UC’s Council of University Librarians issued a statement of support for McMaster University librarian Dale Askey who has been sued by a publisher for making defamatory remarks in a blog post. The CoUL’s statement is […]

Welcome to the new UC libraries website

By Ginny Steel, University Librarian, UCSC & Council of University Librarians Chair I am delighted to announce the redesigned UC Libraries website. The website is the primary communication vehicle for the UC libraries’ systemwide initiatives and collaborative activities and is […]

2005 Annual Usage Statistics Report Available

Selective Tier One and Tier Two journal and database usage statistics for calendar year 2005 are now available on the Inside CDL website at There are two reports included: Ejournal articles viewed by campus and Database searches by campus. […]

New Citation Report provides H Index

The latest quarterly software update for Web of Science introduced a new feature called the Citation Report.  It captures citation activity and identifies citation trends.  The Citation Report enables you to instantly create formatted reports for any General Search (author, […]

XTF Update

CDL announces the latest XTF release: version 1.9. The main feature of the new XTF release is greatly improved documentation.  Almost all features are now fully documented, allowing users to take better advantage of the system. Users of XTF version […]

UC Electronic Resources Management System (ERMS) Project Update

The following is a summary of recent ERMS project activities, and plans for the coming months. Ex Libris product manager Ted Koppel visited the CDL in November.  As a result of this meeting, CDL is in the process of upgrading […]