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Author: CDL

NCBI will be transitioning to using HTTPS-only protocols on September 30, 2016

NCBI (host server for the PubMed database and others) will be transitioning to using HTTPS-only protocols on September 30, 2016 NCBI will be transitioning to using HTTPS-only protocols on September 30, 2016. This change may affect any software that uses […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: July 2016

For June 2016 record distributions, we added several new packages of monographs: ASCE (448 titles: 442 titles of conference proceedings and 6 titles of monographs), Cornell University Press online monographs (7 titles), new packages in Springer monographs: Behavioral science and […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: June 2016

For May 2016, a notable new package added is ICPSR online datasets (includes: 9,261 titles of monographs, 4 titles of serials, and 5 titles of databases), thanks to UCB’s request to make it an SCP package, taking full advantage of […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: May 2016

For the month of April, our major serial record distributions include EBSCO journals (78 titles), JSTOR online journals (55 titles), Superstar Chinamaxx journals (52 titles), and Open Access journals (175 titles, including Gallica online journals, a new package of 10 […]

Katrina Romanowsky leaving CDL

Katrina Romanowsky, the Access & Publishing Group’s Community & Outreach Manager, will be leaving CDL to pursue other creative endeavors. Her last day in the office will be Friday, May 6th. Katrina joined the Access & Publishing Group in 2013 […]

Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: April 2016

For the month of March, our major serial record distributions includes four new packages: American Society for Nutrition online journals (4 titles), ASCE [America Society for Civil Engineers] Library online journals (39 titles), Open Library of Humanities online journals (5 titles), and Trans Tech Publications […]

Latest eScholarship Activity: Campus 3rd Quarter 2015 Reports

Check out this quarter’s reports to discover eScholarship’s publishing profiles (and more). Here’s a listing of each campus’s most popular publications this quarter brought to you by the eScholarship team. UC Berkeley:  “Marxist Theories of Development, the New International Division […]

Presidential Open Access Policy webinar for library staff

Join Katie Fortney and Catherine Mitchell for a conversation about the new UC Presidential Open Access Policy. We’ll talk about who the policy covers, how it compares to the previous Senate OA Policies, and what some of the implications are […]

Groundbreaking University of California policy extends free access to all scholarly articles written by UC employees

On October 26, 2015, the University of California expands the reach of its research publications by issuing a Presidential Open Access Policy, allowing future scholarly articles authored by all UC employees to be freely shared with readers worldwide. Building on […]

CDL Interim Leadership Named

Yesterday, Susan Carlson, UCOP’s Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Programs, issued a formal announcement (below) regarding the California Digital Library’s interim leadership. October 7, 2015 I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Ivy Anderson as Interim Executive […]