Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: August 2016
For July 2016 monographs distributions, we added a new package Cambridge online monographs (383 titles). Other major monographs packages are: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (77 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (136 titles), Wiley online monographs (55 titles), and Naxos music library online audio. Jazz (176 titles). The major serial record distributions are: Taylor & Francis online journals (977 titles), EBSCO journals (39 titles), ProQuest journals (361 titles), Open Access journals (76 titles which includes DOAJ 42 titles), and China online journals (37 titles).
Please note some title transfers between packages for this month:
- To ProQuest:
IIPAFT full text online journals changed to: ProQuest. $p Performing arts periodicals database online journals
IIMP full text online journals changed to: ProQuest. $p Music periodicals database online journals
The number of titles did not change, though it added 351 more journals under the overarching ProQuest journals heading (so it looks like there was a big increase this month but really there wasn’t…) - To Taylor & Francis:
The Informa healthcare online journals number changed by [-171] because they were changed to Taylor & Francis online journals. Eventually all the Informa healthcare will become T&F.
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