Redacted License Agreements
Licenses on this website are PDF versions of the original license. In many cases, portions of the original license deemed inappropriate for public release have been redacted. Signed copies of each license are retained in the license archive at the California Digital Library, Oakland, CA.
Some licenses are required by confidentiality provisions to be viewable only within UC. These licenses use links like this example, which will prompt a username and password for access.
To see summarized license terms for active CDL licenses, please see the CDL ERMS Portal.
ABC-CLIO (historical agreement) Retired
Academic Press (IDEAL) (historical agreement) Retired
AccuWeather Sales and Service
- Accunet/AP Photo Archive (2000) [All campuses]
- Accunet/AP Multimedia Archive (2010) [All campuses]
- Add Graphics/Audio/Text (2011) [All campuses]
- 19th Century Masterfile. Series I, III, IV (Paratext) [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR, UCSB,UCSD] Retired
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) [All campuses]
- Access World News (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
- AccessEngineering (McGraw-Hill) [UCD,UCLA,UCM,UCR,UCSD,UCSB]
- AccessMedicine (McGraw-Hill) [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF] Retired
- AccessMedicine 2014 license [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF] Retired
- AccessMedicine Addendum [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF] Retired
- AccessMedicine OMMBID Addendum [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, UCSF] Retired
- AccessMedicine OMMBID Addendum 2019-2020 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
Accunet/AP Multimedia Archive [All campuses]
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) [All campuses]
ACM Books 2016 (Association for Computing Machinery) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCD]
ACM Digital Library Open Access Agreement (2023-2025)
Acoustical Society of America Online Journals (ASA) (AIP) [All campuses]
American Chemical Society (ACS)
- ACS Online Journals Transformative Agreement MOU 2022-2025
- ACS Online Journals with TDM Rider 2016 [All campuses]
- ACS Online Journals (1998) [All campuses]
- Amendment to ACS Online Journals (1998) – Journals Archive [All campuses]
- ACS Symposium Series Archive (2011) [UCB, UCD, UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- ACS Web Editions (2009) [All campuses]
- Chemical and Engineering News Online (C&EN Online) [All campuses]
Acta Sanctorum (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Adam Matthew
- Empire Online [All campuses]
- Everyday Life & Women in America [All campuses]
Advances in Marine Biology (book series and backfiles) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Advances in Virus Research (Elsevier) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
African Studies Companion (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
African Writer’s Series (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Agricola (ProQuest) [UCB, UCI, UCR]
Agricultural and Biological Sciences Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Legacy 1)(eBooks collections) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
Airiti, Inc.
- AiritiBooks [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- National Palace Museum Online (NPM) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB] Retired now open access
- Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service (TEPS) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
- African American Song [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- American Civil War: Letters and Diaries [All campuses]
- American Song [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Anthropological Fieldwork Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Asian American Drama [All campuses]
- Black Drama, 1850 to Present [All campuses]
- Black Studies in Video [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Classical Music Library [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Classical Performance in Video [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Dance in Video [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Early Encounters in North America [All campuses]
- Ethnographic Video Online [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Ethnographic Video Online: Volume II [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Harper’s Weekly [All campuses]
- Latin American Women Writers [All campuses]
- Latino Literature [All campuses]
- North American Theater Online [All campuses]
- North American Women’s Drama [All campuses]
- North American Women’s Letters and Diaries [All campuses]
- Opera in Video [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period [All campuses]
- Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Theater in Video [All campuses]
- Women and Social Movements [All campuses]
- Women and Social Movements: Scholarly Edition [All campuses]
All China Marketing Research Co., Ltd. License Agreement [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCSD]
- China Statistical Data Service
- China Population Census Data Service
- China Geo-Explorer II
Allgemeines Kuensterlexikon Internationale Kuenstlerdatenbank-Online (AKL Online) (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Alloy Phase Diagram Center (ASM International – Materials Information Society) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Alternative Press Index and Archive (EBSCO) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
America, History & Life (ABC-Clio – Retired) [All campuses] now EBSCO
American Academy of Pediatrics
- Red Book Online [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Science [All campuses]
- Science Express [All campuses]
- Science Signaling (formerly Science’s STKE : signal transduction knowledge environment) [UCB, UCI, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
American Association for Cancer Research Journals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) online journals (AIP) [All campuses]
American Civil War: Letters and Diaries (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
American Dental Association Journal [UCD, UCLA, UCSF, UCOP]
American Drama (ProQuest) [All campuses]
American Film Institute Catalog (ProQuest) [All campuses]
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- American Geophysical Union Online Journals [All campuses]
- AGU Journal Backfiles (Wiley) [All campuses]
- AGU Digital Library [All campuses]
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- AIP 2025 Amendment 9
- AIP 2024 Amendment 8
- AIP 2021 Amendment 3 [All campuses]
- 2017-2020 Amendment 2 [All campuses]
- 2013-2016 Amendment [All campuses] Retired
- Acoustical Society of America Online Journals (ASA) [All campuses]
- American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings [All campuses]
- American Institute of Physics Extended Backfile [All campuses]
- American Institute of Physics Online Journals [All campuses]
- American Physical Society Online journals [All campuses]
- American Vacuum Society Online Journals [All campuses]
- ECS Digital Library (Electrochemical Society) [All campuses] Retired
- Journal of Laser Applications (Laser Institute of America) [All campuses]
- Medical Physics [All campuses]
- Physics Today Archive [All campuses]
- Powder Diffraction [All campuses]
- Society of Exploration Geologists Online Journals [All campuses] Retired
- Society of Rheology Online Journals [All campuses]
American Journal of Health Economics (MIT Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
The American Journal of Pathology (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
American Mathematical Society
- AMS Online Journals (American Mathematical Society) [All campuses]
American Meteorological Society
- American Meteorological Society Online [All campuses]
- AMS Online Journals Online (American Meteorological Society) [All campuses]
- American National Biography [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD. UCSC] (via CSU Agrmt)
- American Periodicals Series Online, 1740-1900 (ProQuest) [All campuses]
- American Physical Society Online journals (AIP) [All campuses]
American Physiological Society (APS)
- American Physiological Society Legacy Content 1898 – 1996 (American Physiological Society – APS) [All campuses]
American Society for Nutrition Online Journals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE)
- American Society of Civil Engineers Consortium License Agreement
- CE Magazine [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD]
- Conference Proceedings [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM,UCR, UCSD]
- 2016 Frontlist eBooks and Standards [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM,UCR]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- ASME Transactions Journals and Applied Mechanics Reviews [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
- Transaction Journal Archives (1966-1999) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- Transaction Journal Archives and Applied Mechanics Reviews Archives [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- Current Conference Proceedings (2008-Current) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR]
- Conference Proceedings Archives (2002-2007) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR]
- EBooks Annual Subscription [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM]
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International)
- ASTM Standards & Engineering Digital Library [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB]
American State Papers (1789 – 1838) (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
American Vacuum Society Online Journals (AIP) [All campuses]
AMS Online Journals (American Mathematical Society) (American Mathematical Society) [All campuses]
AMS Online Journals Online (American Meteorological Society) (American Meteorological Society Online) [All campuses]
Annual Reviews
- Annual Reviews (2018-2020) [All Campuses]
Anthropological Fieldwork Online (Alexander Street Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Anthropology Plus (OCLC) [All campuses]
AnthroSource (Wiley-Blackwell) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Apabi D-Lib. (Apabi Technology Limited) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC]
APPEAL (see Academic Press)
Applied Science and Technology Full Text Online Journals (H.W. Wilson Company) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] Retired
Arabic Literature of Africa Online (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete (Walter De Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
The Archives of the Church in North India: Archival Collection (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
ARTbibliographies Modern (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
ArticleFirst® (Included in OCLC Base Package) (OCLC) [All campuses]
- ARTstor Hosting Services
- Shared Shelf Agreement [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC] See JStor Forum
Asahi Shimbun Company
- Kikuzo II Visual for Library [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB,UCSC]
ASAE Technical Library (American Society of Agricultural Engineers) [All campuses]
Asian American Drama (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
ASM International (Materials Information Society)
- Alloy Phase Diagram Center [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- ASM Online Journals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- ASME Transactions Journals and Applied Mechanics Reviews (All) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
- Journal Archives 1960-1999 – Transaction Journal Archives, Applied Mechanics Review Archives (All) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- Current Conference Proceedings (2008-current) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR]
- Conference Proceedings Archives (2002-2007) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR]
- EBooks Annual Subscription [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM]
Association for Asian Studies
- Bibliography of Asian Studies [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Association for Computing Machinery
- ACM Digital Library [All campuses]
- ACM Books Collection One (2016) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Associations Unlimited (Gale Cengage) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC] CANCELLED
ASTM Standards & Engineering Digital Library (American Society for Testing and Materials) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB]
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (ProQuest/CSA) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Bejing SuperStar
- DaCheng old journals [All campuses]
- Duxiu Knowledge Search Database [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- SuperStar e-Book Collection [UCSD, UCSB]
Bentham Science Online Journals (Bentham Science) [ UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
Berkeley Electronic Press
- Bepress Online Journals (Bepress Research Now) (Berkeley Electronic Press) [All campuses]
Bibliography of Asian Studies (Association for Asian Studies) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Bibliography of British and Irish History (Brepols Publishers) [All campuses]
Bibliography of Slavic Languages Online (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Bibliography of the History of Art [All campuses] open access available on The Getty website
Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Online {Walter de Gruyter) [UCR] assisted Tier 3
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
BioMed Central
- BioMed Central (BMC) Membership [All campuses]
BioOne (includes BioOne.1 and BioOne.2) [All campuses]
- Renewal 2011 [All campuses]
BIOSIS Previews(added to base license) (Thomson Scientific) [All campuses]
Black Drama, 1850 to Present (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Black Studies Center (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Black Studies in Video (Alexander Street Press) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Blackwell-Synergy Online Journals (including title lists) [All campuses] Retired now Wiley-Blackwell
Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
- Berg Fashion Library (2017) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD]
- Berg Fashion Library [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSC] Retired
BMJ Journals Online (2003) (British Medical Journal – BMJ Publishing Group) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF
BMJ Group Online (2010) (BMJ Publishing Group Limited) [All campuses]
- Global Books in Print [All campuses] Retired
Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics 2e (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Brepols Publishers NV
- Bibliography of British and Irish History [All campuses]
Brill Academic Publishers
- African Studies Companion [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Arabic Literature of Africa Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Archives of the Church in North India: Monograph Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- The Archives of the Church in North India: Archival Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Bibliography of Slavic Languages Online [UCB] asssisted Tier 3
- Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Neo-Latin World [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Brockelmann Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Classic Arabic Texts Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959 [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Danish Yearbook of Philosophy [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- The Dostoevsky Journal (online only) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia Islamica Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online (EAll Online) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Chinese Language & Linguistics [UCB]assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language & Linguistics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Islam [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Quran [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Culture [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Eurasian Studies [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Explorations in Renaissance Culture 2015 [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Flavius Josephus [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Greek and Roman Musical Studies [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Marathi Jewish Printing in India [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- The History of Afghanistan Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Intellectual History of the Islamicate World [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Italian Reformation Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Jacoby Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Japan Chronicle Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Jewish Theater Under Stalinism [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Journal of Sufi Studies [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Lexicon of Greek Grammarians [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Lithographed Editions of Firdawsi’s Shahnamah Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Ludos [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Medieval Reference Library Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Methexis [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Mexican Cinema Online [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- New Pauly Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- New Pauly Supplements I Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- New Pauly Supplements II Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Yearbook of International Organizations [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- The Uear’s Work in Modern Language Studies [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online (Brill Publishers} [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Neo-Latin World (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
British Medical Journal (BMJ Publishing Group)
- BMJ Journals Online (2003) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
- BMJ Group Online (2010) [All campuses]
Brockelmann Online (Brill Publishing) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Bungei Kurabu (Kinokuniya) [All campuses]
Burney Collection Newspapers (Gale Cengage) [UCD]
Business Expert Press licensed via SERU
- eBooks 2010-2015 [UCB, UCD, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Business, Management and Accounting Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) [All campuses]
Byzantinische Zeitschrift archive (Walter de Gruyter)[UCB] assisted Tier 3
C19, the Nineteenth Century Index (ProQuest) {All campuses]
CABA Impact of Smart Grid on Connected Homes (IEEE) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Cambridge CrystAllographic Data Centre
- Cambridge Structural Database [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Side Letter 2010 (granting walkins permissions)
Cambridge Structural Database (2015) (Cambridge CrystAllographic Data Centre) [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
Cambridge Structural Database (2001) (Cambridge CrystAllographic Data Centre) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC] Retired
- Side Letter 2010 (granting walkins permissions)
- Schedule 2008 [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2010 [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2011 [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2012 [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2013 [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2014 [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Schedule 2015 [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
Cambridge University Press
- Cambridge Books Online (2016-2018) [All campuses]
- Cambridge Books Online Addendum (2019-2021) [ALL campuses]
- Cambridge Journals Online [All campuses]
- Historical Statistics of the U.S. [All campuses]
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics Digital Archive [All campuses]
Canadian Science Publishing
- Canadian Science Publishing Journals Open Access Publishing Agreement 2024-2026
- Canadian Science Publishing Journals Open Access Publishing MOU 2021
CathayPlay (2024) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] Tier 2
Chateauroux Version of the “Chanson de Roland” (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Chemical Abstracts Service (1999)
[All campuses]
- CAS Web Client Rider (2008) [All campuses]
Chemical and Engineering News Online (C&EN Online) (American Chemical Society – ACS) [All campuses]
Chemical Engineering Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Chemistry – book series package (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Chemistry International (journal) (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Chemistry Societies journal backfiles (John Wiley & Sons) [All campuses]
Chicano Database (OCLC) [All campuses]
Chicago Manual of Style Online (University of Chicago Press) [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSB]
China 2010 National Census (Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd.) [All campuses]
China Academic Journals (EastView Information Services) [All campuses, but UCD does not have access beyond 2002 – no current access]
China Academic Journals – Century Journals Project (Backfile) (EastView Information Services) [All campuses, but UCD only has access to 1994-2002 – no current access]
China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation Publications Export Centre
- Database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
- Database of Chinese Local Records I [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
- Databaseof Chinese Local Records II [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
China Data Online (Univ. of Michigan China Data Center) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Chinese Periodical Full-Text Database (1911-1949) (Shanghai Tuqing Information Co., Ltd.) [UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Chinese University Press, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Si bu cong kan [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Si ku quan shu [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired
see CNPEIC Si Ku Quan Shu
Chronicle of Higher Education [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Ciao (Columbia University Press) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
CINAHL (EBSCO) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF; only UCI, UCLA & UCSD have fulltext]
Citation information by NII : CiNii (Kinokuniya Bookstores of America) [All campuses]
Clarivate [All campuses, LBNL, LLNL]
- Master Agreement, 2020: Web of science, Biosis, Incites, Journal and Highly Cited Data
- Order Form, 2020
- Order Form, 2021
- Order Form 2023-2025
Classic Arabic Texts Online (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Classical Performance in Video (Alexander Street Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Classical Receptions Journal (Oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Climate Vulnerability (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Clinics Collection (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Clinics Collection (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Clinics Collection (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
- CNPIEC eBooks DDA (China National Publications) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Si Ku Quan Shu (China National Publications) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Cochrane Library (Wiley) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
CogNet Library (MIT Press) [All campuses]
Columbia Gazetteer of the World (Columbia University Press) [All campuses]
Columbia University Press
- Columbia Gazetteer of the World (Columbia University Press) [All campuses]
Company of Biologists
- Company of Biologists [Journals] (1999) (Company of Biologists) [All campuses] Retired
- Company of Biologists [Journals] (2017) (Company of Biologists) [All campuses]
- Company of Biologists Open Access Publishing Agreement (2024-2026)
Compendex (Engineering Information, Inc.) [All campuses]
Comprehensive Biomaterials (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Biophysics (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Biotechnology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Chirality (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Glycoscience (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry II (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Nuclear Materials (Five-volume set) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Organic Functional Group II (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive OrganometAllic Chemistry III (Elsevier B.V.) [UCI] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Structural Integrity (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Comprehensive Toxicology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Computer Science Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Part A (Lexis-Nexis) [All campuses]
Contemporary American Religion (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Contemporary Women’s Issues (Gale Cengage) [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Copernicus Open Access Journals 2025
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (Walter De Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
CRC Press
- CRC Journals (Taylor & Francis) [All campuses]
CRCNetBase (Taylor & Francis) [All campuses] Retired
CRCnetBASE 2013 Purchase (Taylor & Francis)
- CHEMnetBASE [All campuses]
- ENVIROnetBASE [All campuses]
- MATHnetBASE [All campuses]
- STATSnetBASE [All campuses]
- WATERnetBASE [All campuses]
CRCnetBASE 2017-2019 Purchase (Taylor & Francis) [All campuses]
CrossFire Beilstein/Gemlin (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses] now Reaxys
Current Contents (LLNL only)
Current Protocols Collection (Cell Biology; Cytometry; Human Genetics; Immunology; Molecular Biology; Neuroscience; Nucleic Acid Chemistry; Pharmacology; Protein Science; Toxicology) (Wiley) [All campuses]
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics (Wiley) [UCLA, UCSF]
Current Protocols in Microbiology (Wiley) [UCLA]
DaCheng old journals (Beijing Superstar) [All campuses]
Dance in Video (Alexander Street Press) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Danish Yearbook of Philosophy (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediaevistischer Forschung (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Database of Chinese Classic Ancient Books (China National Publications) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Database of Chinese Local Records I and II (China National Publications) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Declassified Documents Reference System (Gale Cengage) [All campuses]
De Gruyter
- Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Online [All campuses]
- Amendment 1: Harvard University Press eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 2: Journal Archives [UCSD} assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels Online [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: Allgemeines Kuensterlexikon Internationale Kuenstlerdatenbank-Online (AKL Online) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Byzantinische Zeitschrift archive; Probus subscription [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 6: DeGruyter eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Chateauroux Version of the “Chanson de Roland” [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 8: Journal Archives purchase (1826-2013) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 9: Harvard University Press 2014 eBook Collection [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
- Amendment 10: Frequenz subscription [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 12: Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediaevistischer Forschung [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (archive) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 14: Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. C [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 15: various titles (journal archives) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 16: EEG Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 17: Der literarische Expressionismus Online [All campuses]
- Amendment 18: 20th Century German History Online: National Socialism, Holocause, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945 (database) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 19: Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 20: Semitic Languages: An International Handbook [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 21: Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 22: Chemistry International (journal), International African Bibliography (database) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 23: Germanistik Database [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 24: Die Tagebuecher von Joseph Goebbels Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 25: Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 26: Enzyklopaedie des Marchens Online [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 27: Historisches Wortebuch de Rhetorik Online [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 28: Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Online [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 29: Feministische Studien Journal Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 30: JournaI of Latin Linguistics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 31: GNARP 2016, DOR and Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt (ANRW) eBook collections [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 32: BTL Database and Physics eBook Package [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 33: Selected Backlist eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 34: Dictionnaire Ëtymologique Roman Genese, methodes et resultats [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 53: University of California Press eBooks [All campuses]
Der literarische Expressionismus Online (Walter de Gruyter) [All campuses]
The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels Online (Walter de Gruyter) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Die Tagebuecher von Joseph Goebbels Online (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Digital Dissertations (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Digital National Security Archives (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker im WWW(Proquest) [All campuses]
Dissertation Abstracts see Digital Dissertations (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement (Alexander Street Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
The Dostoevsky Journal (online only) (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Dragonsource International Limited
- Dragonsource E-magazine Digital reading platform [UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Duke University Press Electronic Journals (Duke University Press) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Duxiu Knowledge Search Database (Beijing Superstar) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw Shoemaker (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
Early American Newspapers (1690-1876) (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
Early Encounters in North America (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Early English Books Online (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Earth and Planetary Sciences Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD]assisted Tier 3
Earthquake Engineering Abstracts (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
EastView Information Services
- China Academic Journals [All campuses, but UCD does not have access beyond 2002 – no current access]
- China Academic Journals – Century Journals Project (Backfile) [All campuses, but UCD only has access to 1994-2002 – no current access]
- Encyclopedia of Taiwan [All campuses]
- Gujin Tushu Jicheng [All campuses]
East View Geospatial, Inc.
- America, History & Life (ABC-Clio – Retired) [All campuses]
- CINAHL [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF; only UCI, UCLA & UCSD have fulltext]
- DynaMed Plus [All Campuses]
- EBSCO Academic Search Complete [All campuses]
- EBSCO Business Source Premier [All campuses]
- Family & Society Studies Worldwide (NISC – Retired) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB]
- Historical Abstracts (ABC-Clio – Retired) [All campuses]
- Left Index(NISC – Retired) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- LGBT Life (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Life) [All campuses]
- Music Index Online (Harmonie Park Press – Retired) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Play Index (H.W. Wilson – Retired) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSF, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature(NISC – Retired) [All campuses]
- RIPM Online (NISC – Retired) [All campuses]
- Women’s Studies International (NISC -) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Economics, Econometrics and Finance Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
- Main License (2000) [All campuses 2000-2018]
- EIU Country Commerce (2018) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- EIU Country Finance (2018) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- EIU Country Reports (2018) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- EIU Country Report (2019 – 2021)[UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- EIU Financial Services Report (2019 – 2021) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- EIU Country Commerce Global (2019 – 2021) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Education Index Online Journals (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
Education Index Retro (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
EEG Online (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
e-EROS (Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis) (Wiley) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
eHRAF Archaeology (Human Relations Area Files – Yale) [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
eHRAF Ethnography (Human Relations Area Files – Yale) [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC]
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) (Gale Cengage) [All campuses]
EIU Country Commerce (Economist Intelligence Unit – EIU) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
EIU Country Finance (Economist Intelligence Unit – EIU) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
EIU Country Reports (Economist Intelligence Unit – EIU) [UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Electrochemical Society
- ECS Digital Library (addendum 2018) [All campuses]
- ECS Digital Library (2017) [All campuses]
- ECS Digital Library (2009) [All campuses] Retired
Elsevier B.V
- Advances in Marine Biology (book series and backfiles) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences Supplement I – subject backfile
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Legacy 1)(eBooks collections) ) [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- The American Journal of Pathology [All campuses]
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Supplement I – subject backfile
- Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics 2e [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Business, Management and Accounting Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Chemical Engineering Supplement I – subject backfile [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Chemistry – book series package [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Climate Vulnerability [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Clinics Collection – journals package [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Clinics Collection [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Clinics Collection [All campuses]
- Compendex (Engineering Information, Inc.) [All campuses]
- Comprehensive Biomaterials [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Biophysics [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Biotechnology [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Chirality [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Glycoscience [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry II [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Nuclear Materials (Five-volume set) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Organic Functional Group II [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive OrganometAllic Chemistry III [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Renewable Energy [UCSD) assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Structural Integrity [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Comprehensive Toxicology [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Computer Science Supplement I – subject backfile [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- CrossFire Beilstein/Gemlin [All campuses] now Reaxys
- Earth and Planetary Sciences Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Archaeology [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Science (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience [UCD} assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Biodiversity
- Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
- Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Cell Biology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics
- Encyclopedia of Ecology [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Energy [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Environmental Health {UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology [UCB, UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Food and Health [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Gerontology [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Immunobiology [UCB, UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
- Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology
- Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics
- Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Modern Optics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Neuroscience [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences II
- Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology
- Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Sleep [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Social Measurement [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
- Encyclopedia of the Human Brain
- Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Encyclopedia of Virology
- Encyclopedia of Virology III [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Environmental Science Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
- Evolution of Nervous Systems
- The Handbook of Organic Compounds [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Handbooks in Economics [All campuses]
- High Energy/Nuclear Physics and Astronomy Supplement I – subject backfile [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Hormones, Brain and Behavior (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Immunology and Microbiology Supplement I – subject backfile
- INSPEC Current 2019-2021 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- INSPEC Archive 2019-2022 [ALL CAMPUSES]
- International Encyclopedia of Education [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Seven-Volume Set [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Human Geography [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Public Health [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Studies
- [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) [All campuses]
- The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics [All campuses]
- Journal of Consumer Psychology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Journal of the American College of Radiology [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference
- Mathematics Supplement I – subject backfile
- Medicine and Dentistry Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Methods in Enzymology [All campuses]
- Methods in Cell Biology – book series
- Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs (Sixteenth Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs (Sixteenth Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- The Ocular Surface [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Organic Chemistry Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Supplement I – subject backfile
- Physical and Analytical Chemistry Supplement I – subject backfile
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Physics and Astronomy (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Physics and Astronomy (Legacy 1) (eBooks collections) [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Psychology Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Reaxys [All campuses]
- ScienceDirect eBooks (2019)
- 2019 Collection: Specialty Medicine, Specialty Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, and Health Professions [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
- Methods in Enzymology 2013- [All campuses]
- eBooks Amendment 1 (2019) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSC]
- eBooks Amendment 2 (2020)
- 2020 Collection: Specialty Medicine, Health Professions, Veterinary Medicine, Specialty Surgery [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
- eBooks Amendment 28 (2024) [All campuses]
- ScienceDirect Online Journals (2004)[All campuses]
- Amendment 1: Methods in Enzymology [All campuses]
- Amendment 2: Treatise on Geochemistry [UCD, UCI, UCM, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 6: Handbooks in Economics Series [All campuses]
- Amendment 7: Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 8: Treatise on Geochemistry [UCLA, UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 9: not executed
- Amendment 10: ASAP Document Delivery System [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: Pedosphere Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 12: Book Series Package – Life Sciences [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 14: Book Series Package – Chemistry [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 15: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 16: Comprehensive OrganometAllic Chemistry III [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 17: various titles [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 18: Encyclopedia of Modern Optics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 19: various titles [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 20: various titles – subject backfiles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 21: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 22: Methods in Cell Biology – book series [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 23: Methods in Cell Biology – book series[UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 24: Treatise on Geochemistry [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 25: Treatise on Geophysics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 26: Treatise on Geophysics [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 27: various titles – subject backfiles [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 28: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 29: not executed
- Amendment 30: Treatise on Geophysics [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 31: Physics and Astronomy [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 32: various titles [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 33: various titles [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 34: Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 35: Treatise on Geophysics [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 36: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 37: various titles [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- ScienceDirect Online Journals (2009) [All campuses]
- Amendment 1: ratify amendments to 2004 license
- Amendment 2: Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences II [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: various titles [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Elsevier E-Books titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 6: Treatise on Geophysics [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 8: Elsevier E-Books titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 9: ScienceDirect Added Titles [All campuses]
- Amendment 10: Methods in Cell Biology (2006- ) and Methods in Cell Biology Backfile (pre-2000) (Book Series and Book Series Backfiles) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: various titles (Book Series Backfiles (pre-2000) + Book Series Intermediate Backfiles (2000-2006) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 12: Advances in Virus Research (2006- ) and Advances in Virus Research Backfile (pre-2006) (Book Series and Book Series Backfiles) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Encyclopedia of Insects [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 14: various titles (eBooks) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 15: International Encyclopedia of Public Health [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 16: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 17: various titles [All campuses]
- Amendment 18: various titles (eBooks) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 19: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 20: Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 21: Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering and Comprehensive Nano Science and Technology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 22: various titles (eBooks collections) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 23: various titles (eBooks), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 24: International Encyclopedia of Education [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 25: Clinics Collection [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 26: various titles (Reference Works) [UCSB} assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 27: Veterinary Medicine 2010, Veterinary Medicine 2011 (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 28: The American Journal of Pathology, The Journal of Molecular Diganostics [All campuses]
- Amendment 29: International Encyclopedia of Education [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 30: Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (eBooks), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Reference Works), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Reference Works) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 31: Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology [UCLA} assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 32: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 33: Journal of Consumer Psychology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 34: Comprehensive Biomaterials [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 35: various titles [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 36: various titles (eBooks collections) [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 37: Treatise on Water Science [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 38: various titles (eBooks) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 39: various titles (Reference Works) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 40: Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 41: various titles [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 42: various titles (eBooks) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 43: various titles [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 44: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 45: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 46: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 47: various titles [All campuses]
- Amendment 48: Comprehensive Nuclear Materials (Five-volume set) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 49: various titles (eBooks); Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science; Comprehensive Biomaterials; Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 50: The Handbook of Organic Compounds [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 51: International Encyclopedia of Education; Encyclopedia of Archaeology; Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics [UCSC} assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 52: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 53: Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 54: Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 55: Veterinary Toxicology [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 56: Comprehensive Biophysics [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 57: various titles (reference works) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 58: various titles (eBooks, reference works) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 59: Comprehensive Biomaterials [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 60: various titles (eBooks) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 61: The Ocular Surface [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 62: Comprehensive Renewable Energy; Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 63: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 64: various titles (eBooks); Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 65: eBook [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 66: eBook [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 67: various titles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 68: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 69: Comprehensive Renewable Energy; Comprehensive Chirality; Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 70: various titles (eBooks) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 71: Advances in Marine Biology (book series and backfiles) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 72: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 73: various titles (eBooks) [UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 74: various titles (eBooks),Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science [UCSB] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 75: Polymer Science: A comprehensive Reference; Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation [UCB] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 76: Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Legacy 1), Physics and Astronomy (Legacy 1) (eBooks collections) [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 77: various titles eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 78: various titles eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 79: various titles backfiles [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 80: eBook collections (Agricultural and Biological Sciences 2013, Veterinary Medicine 2013); Comprehensive Toxicology [UCD] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 81: eBook [UCD] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 82: various eBook series [UCB] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 83: various book series, Seminars Collection [UCSF] assisted Tier 3 </em >
- Amendment 84: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 85: various eBooks collections [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 86: eBooks[UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 87: Fluid Mechanics with Multimedia DVD eBook, International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home Seven-Volume Set, Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior [UCLA] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 88: eBooks [UCLA] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 89: eBooks [UCSF] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 90: eBooks, Reference Works [UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 91: eBooks [UCLA] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 92: eBooks, Reference Works [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 93: Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics [UCLA] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 94: International Encyclopedia of Education [UCSB] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 95: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 96: eBooks, Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics 2e, Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology [UCD] assisted Tier 3</em >
- Amendment 97: Treatise on Geomorphology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 98: eBook, Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 99: eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 100: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 101: eBooks, Comprehensive Biophysics, Comprehensive Biotechnology [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 102: Methods in Cell Biology (book series) [UCSF} assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 103: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 104: eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 105: Journal of the American College of Radiology [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 106: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 107: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 108: eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 109: eBooks, Climate Vulnerability [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 110: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 111: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 112: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 113: eBooks, Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 114: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 115: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 116: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 117: eBooks; Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition); Encyclopedia of Biodiversity; Encyclopedia of Sleep [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 118: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 119: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 120: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 121: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 122: eBooks [UCLA]assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 123: eBooks [UCD]assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 124: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition); Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II; Climate Vulnerability [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 125: 2014 eBook collections [All campuses]
- Agricultural, Biological and Food Sciences
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Biomedical Science and Medicine
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Energy
- Earth and Planetary Science
- Environmental Science
- Finance
- Forensics, Security, and Criminal Justice
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Mathematics
- Materials Science
- Neuroscience
- Psychology
- Physics and Astronomy
- Plastics Engineering Hanser
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science
- Social Sciences
- Amendment 126: eBooks Collection (Veterinary Medicine 2014) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 127: eBooks Collections [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- ScienceDirect Online Journals (2014) [All campuses]
- Amendment 1: To ratify amendments to License Agreement (2003) and License Agreement (2009) [All campuses]
- Amendment 2: eBooks, Reference Works [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: eBooks [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 6: Book Series [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Clinics Collection [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 8: Book Series [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 9: Journal subscription [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 10: Book Series [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: 2014 Subscription Renewals [vary by campus]
- Amendment 12: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 14: Journals, Seminar Collections, Book Series [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 15: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 16: eBook [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 17: Clinics Collection; Book Series [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 18: Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition); Comprehensive Chirality [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 19: eBooks; Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 20: Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 21: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 22: eBooks [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 23: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 24: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 25: eBooks [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 26: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 27: eBooks packages, 2013 and 2015 [All campuses]
- Amendment 28: eReferenceWorks, eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 29: eBooks, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Science (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 30: eReferenceWorks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 31: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 32: eBooks [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 33: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 34: various resources [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 35: eBooks [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 36: not executed
- Amendment 37: eBook [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 38: eBooks; Treatise on Geomorphology [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 39: eBook [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 40: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 41: eBooks; Veterinary Medicine 2015 eBook collection; Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Science (Second Edition) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 42: eBook [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 43: various journals [All campuses]
- Amendment 44: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 45: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) [All campuses]
- Amendment 46: Clinics Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 47: eBook; Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 48: eBook [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 49: Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) [UCB]assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 50: eBooks, Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 51: book series: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Advances in Child Development and Behavior [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 52: eBooks Collections: Bioavailability of Nutrients for Animals [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 53: Journal Backfile: American Journal of Ophthalmology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 54: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 55: eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier
- Amendment 56: Encyclopedia of Cell Biology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 57: Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 58: 2016 eBook Collections [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSC]
- Agricultural, Biological, and Food Sciences 2016
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 2016
- Biomedical Science and Medicine 2016
- Chemical Engineering 2016
- Chemistry 2016
- Computer Science 2016
- Earth and Planetary Sciences 2016
- Energy 2016
- Engineering 2016
- Environmental Science 2016
- Finance 2016
- Forensics and Security 2016
- Immunology and Microbiology 2016
- Materials Science 2016
- Mathematics 2016
- Neuroscience 2016
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 2016
- Physics and Astronomy 2016
- Psychology 2016
- Social Sciences 2016
- Amendment 59: eBook Collection: Pediatric Dermatology [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 60: eBooks; eBook Collection: Veterinary Medicine 2016 [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 61: eBooks; Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs (Sixteenth Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 62: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 63: Handbook Series: Advances in Agronomy [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 64: Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 65: eBooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 66: Journal Backfiles – Ophthalmology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 67: Handbooks (various) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 68: Reference Works (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 69: eBook; Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 70: Reference Works (various) [UCB, UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 71: Reference Works (various) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 72: eJournal (Practical Radiation Oncology) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 73: eBooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 74: Journal of the American College of Radiology [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 75: Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs (16th edition); eBook [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 76: eBook [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 77: journals subscribed, transferred, removed with 2016 renewal [All campuses]
- Amendment 78: Ebooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 79: Reference Works (various) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 80: Ebooks and Handbooks (various) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 81: eBook collections 2017 and 2018 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSC]
- Agricultural, Biological and Food Sciences
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Biomedical Science and Medicine
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Energy
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Finance
- Forensics and Security
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Mathematics
- Materials Science
- Neuroscience
- Psychology
- Physics and Astronomy
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science
- Social Sciences
- Amendment 82: Ebooks, Reference Works (various) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 83: The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 84: The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 85: Ebooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 86: Ebooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 87: Ebooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 88: Ebooks [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 89: Reference Works (various) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 90: Reference Works (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 91: Ebooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 92: Ebooks [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 93: Cell Press, Reference Works (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 94: The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 95: Ebooks, Reference Works (various) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 96: Ebooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 97: Reference Works (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 98: The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 99: Total Collection (Journals) 2013+ [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 100: Ebooks: Veterinary Medicine 2018 [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 101: Ebooks and Handbooks [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 102: Ebooks and Journals (various) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 103: Ebooks [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 104: Reference Works (Glycoscience) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 105: Cell Press [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 106: Ebooks (various) [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 107: Ebooks and Handbooks [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 108: journals subscribed, transferred [All campuses]
- Amendment 109: Ebooks [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 112: journals subscribed, transferred [All campuses]
- Amendment 122: Ebooks, Treatise on Geochemistry [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSC. UCSD]
- Amendment 126: eBook collections 2019 [ALL campuses]
- Agricultural, Biological and Food Sciences
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Science and Medicine
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Energy
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Finance
- Forensics and Security
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Mathematical Sciences
- Materials Science
- Neuroscience
- Psychology
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science
- Social Sciences
- ScienceDirect Online Journals [Archive] [All campuses]
- SCOPUS [All campuses] Retired
- The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference
- Social Science Supplement I – subject backfile [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Treatise on Geochemistry
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [ UCD, UCI, UCM, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCLA, UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Treatise on Geomorphology [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Treatise on Geophysics
- Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier
- [UCD, 2016] assisted Tier 3
- Treatise on Water Science [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Veterinary Medicine 2010 ) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Veterinary Medicine 2011 [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Veterinary Medicine 2015 (eBook collection) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Veterinary Toxicology [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Empire Online (Adam Mathew) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia Islamica Online (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of American Religions, 7th ed (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD]assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Online (EAll Online) (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Archaeology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Science (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Elsevier B.V.)
- [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry(Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Biostatistics (John Wiley & Sons) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Buddhism (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Cell Biology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Chinese Language & Linguistics (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Ecology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Energy (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB, UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Food and Health (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Gerontology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language & Linguistics (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Immunobiology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB, UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Islam (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics(Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) {Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Modern Optics (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD} assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences II (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Popular Music [UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSC] (via CSU agreement)
Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Quran (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Religion (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of Sleep [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Social Measurement (Elsevier B.V.) [UCM] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry(Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Taiwan (EastView Information Services) [All campuses]
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict (Elsevier B.V.) [UCI] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Virology (Elsevier B.V.)
Encyclopedia of Virology III (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Culture (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Engineering Information, Inc.
Environmental Science Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
Enzyklopaedie des Marchens Online (Walter de Gruyter) [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- EPS China Data [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Essay & General Literature Index (Ovid/Silverplatter) [UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Essential Evidence Plus (Wiley) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Ethnic NewsWatch Historical File(ProQuest) [All campuses]
Ethographic Video Online, Ethnographic Video Online Vol. II (Alexander Street Press) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Eurasian Studies (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Everyday Life & Women in America (Adam Mathew) [All campuses]
Evans Digital Archive (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
EVGeoCloud (East View Geospatial, Inc.) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Evolution of Nervous Systems (Elsevier B.V.)
Explorations in Renaissance Culture 2015 (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe
- Inorganic crystal structure database : ICSD [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
FACTIVA (Dow Jones / ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD; 11/07: All campuses have access]
Family & Society Studies Worldwide (EBSCO) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB]
Feministische Studien Journal Online {Walter de Gruyter} [UCR] assisted Tier 3
FIAF International Film Archive (ProQuest) [UCB,UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Film Index International (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB; UCSC has a local subscription and is not included on the license]
FIMo Library Edition Service (2024) Tier 2
Flavius Josephus (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
FnT Journals (Now Publishers Inc.) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
FRANCIS (OCLC – previously RLG) [All campuses]
Frequenz (De Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Frontiers Open Access Pilot 2023
Gale Cengage
- Associations Unlimited [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC] CANCELLED
- Contemporary American Religion [All campuses]
- Contemporary Women’s Issues [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Declassified Documents Reference System [All campuses]
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)[All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of American Religions, 7th ed [All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of Buddhism [All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World [All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed [All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of Religion [All campuses]
- Encyclopedia of Science and Religion [All campuses]
- Gale Digital Scholar Lab [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCR, UCSD]
- Global Missions and Theology [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Literature Resource Center [All campuses]
- Making of the Modern World [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSC]
- Multiple Resources, Amendment to Purchase Agreement [UCM]
- 17th & 18th Century Nichols Collection Newspapers
- Eighteenth Century Collection Online (ECCO) II
- State Papers Online I, 1509-1603: Tudor Domestic
- State Papers Online II, 1509-1603: Tudor Foreign
- State Papers Online III, 1603-1714: Stuart Domestic
- State Papers Online IV, 1603-1714: Stuart Foreign
- Multiple Resources [ALL CAMPUSES]
- Archives of Sexuality and Gender 1, 2 & 3
- Sabin Americana, 1500-1926
- The Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers [UCB.UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century U.K. Newspapers, The Burney Collection
- Amendment to Purchase Agreement [UCD]
- Amendment to License Agreement [UCD]
- Amendment to Purchase Agreement [UCB, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Amendment to License Agreement [UCB, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Times Digital Archive [All campuses]
- Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religions Practices [All campuses]
- World Scholar: Latin American and Caribbean [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
- Blanket purchase and license amendments for campus digital archive and subscription purchases [All campuses]
GenderWatch (ProQuest) [All campuses]
General Medicine journal backfiles (John Wiley & Sons) [All campuses]
GeoRef (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
Germanistik Database (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Gerritsen Collection – Women’s History Online (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Global Books in Print (Bowker) [All campuses] Retired
Schedule A (2008) Retired
- Global Financial Data [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Global Financial Data: US Stock Market Database [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR]
- Global Financial Data: GFDatabase version 2.0 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD]
- Global Financial Data: U.S. Stocks Database [UCB, UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Global Financial Data: Real Estate Database [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Global Financial Data: U.K. Stocks Database [UCI] assisted Tier 3
Global Missions and Theology (Gale Group) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Green Apple Data Center
- Shun Bao [All campuses]
Greenwood Press
- Index to Current Urban Documents [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Grove Art Online (Oxford University Press) [All campuses]
Grove Music (Oxford University Press) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Gujin Tushu Jicheng (EastView Information Services) [All campuses]
H.W. Wilson Company
- Applied Science and Technology Full Text Online Journals [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] Retired
- Art Index Retrospective [All campuses]
- Education Index Online Journals [All campuses]
- Education Index Retro [All campuses]
- Library Literature and Information Science [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Play Index [All campuses] Retired now EBSCO
- Readers Guide Retrospective [All campuses]
- Wilsonweb Art Full Text Online Journals [All campuses]
Hand Press Book Database (OCLC – previously RLG) [All campuses]
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (7th edition) (Wiley) [All campuses]
The Handbook of Organic Compounds (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Handbooks in Economics (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
Harmonie Park Press
- Music Index Online [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired – now EBSCO
HarpWeek [All campuses]
Hartill Art Associates
- Hartill Art Associates Images [All campuses]
Harvard University Press
- Loeb Classical Library [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB]
Harvard University Press eBooks (DeGruyter)
- eBooks 2012 [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- eBooks 2013 (via Lyrasis) [All campuses]
- eBooks 2014 [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Marathi Jewish Printing in India Online (Brill) [UCB]
High Energy/Nuclear Physics and Astronomy Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB]
Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI Online) (UCLA Latin American Center) [All campuses]
Historic Chicago Tribune (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Historic San Francisco Chronicle (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Historic Washington Post (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Historical Abstracts (ABC-Clio – Retired) [All campuses] now EBSCO
Historical Congressional Indexes, 1789-1972 (Lexis-Nexis) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Historical Statistics of the U.S. (Cambridge University Press) [All campuses]
Historisches Wortebuch de Rhetorik Online {Walter de Gruyter} [UCR] assisted Tier 3
History Compass (Blackwell) [All campuses]
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (OCLC – previously RLG) [All campuses]
Hormones, Brain and Behavior (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 19th C (ProQuest) [All campuses]
House Unpublished Hearings Collections / Senate Unpublished Hearings Collections, Part A (ProQuest) [UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Human Relations Area Files (Yale)
- eHRAF Archaeology [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- eHRAF Ethnography [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC]
IBA (International Bibliography of Art) (ProQuest) [All campuses]
IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Sciences) (ProQuest) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
ICDD / American Institute of Physics (see American Institute of Physics – AIP)
IEA Statistics (OECD) [UCD, UCR, UCSD]
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- IEEE-Artech House eBooks (2021) [UCD, UCB, UCI, UCLA, LBNL]
- IEEE IBM Journals Archive 2021
- IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (1999-2004) Retired [All campuses]
- IEEE Smart Grid Research[UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCSD]
- [UCI]
- CABA Impact Study of Smart Grid on Connected Homes [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- IEEE Online Products Retired [All campuses]
- IEEE Xplore (2005-2009) [All campuses]
- IEEE/IEL (2010-2014) [All campuses]
- SMPTE (2017) [UCB, UCLA, UCSD] assisted tier 3
- SMPTE (2017) [UCD] assisted tier 3
- IEEE/IEL (2016-2018) [All campuses]
- IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) (2019-2021) [All Campuses]
- Wiley-IEEE eBooks [All campuses]
- List of IEEE-Wiley eBooks 1974-2010 [All campuses]
- MIT Press eBooks Library: Computing and Engineering Collection (2013) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology)
- IET Digital Library [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- IET eBooks 2015 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- IET eBooks 2016 [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- IET Journal Archive 2021
IIMP (International Index to Music Periodicals) Full Text Online Journals (ProQuest) [All campuses]
IIPAFT (International Index to Performing Arts Full Text) (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Immunology and Microbiology Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
Index Islamicus (ProQuest/CSA) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Index of Christian Art (Princeton University) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Index to Current Urban Documents (Greenwood Press) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Index to Nineteenth-Century American Art Periodica (OCLC – previously RLG) (All campuses]
Informa Healthcare (Informa PLC) [All campuses]
Inorganic crystal structure database : ICSD (Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
Insight on Africa: a Journal of Contemporary African Affairs (SAGE) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
INSPEC ( Thomson Reuters) [All campuses] Retired, See Elsevier INSPEC
INSPEC (OVID) [All campuses] Retired – now Thomson Reuters
Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Publishing Ltd.)
- Institute of Physics Publishing eBooks [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- Variation 2015 [All campuses]
- Variation 2018 [Release 4: All campuses;
Release 5: UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSD] - Variation 2019 [Releases 1-6: UCB, LBNL, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC; Releases 1-4, IPO Concise Physics, IOP Expanding Physics, and Release 1 AAS-IOP Astronomy: UCSF, UCSB]
- Institute of Physics Publishing Journals [All campuses]
- Institute of Physics Publishing Archive [All campuses]
Intellectual History of the Islamicate World (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
International African Bibliography (database) (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Education (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Seven-Volume Set (Elsevier B.V.) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Elsevier B.V.) [UCM] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Elsevier B.V.)
International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Studies (Elsevier B.V.)
- [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCM] assisted Tier 3
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
International Tables for CrystAllography (John Wiley & Sons) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
ISI Databases (Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.) [All campuses]
- Science Citation Index Expanded [All campuses]
- Social Sciences Citation Index [All campuses]
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index [All campuses]
- add simultaneous users 2001 [All campuses]
- add simultaneous users 2003 [All campuses]
- move to OVID [All campuses] Retired – now Thomson Reuters
ISI Backfiles (Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.)
- SCIE 1945-1969 [UCB]
- SCIE 1945-1969, SSCI 1956-1969 [UCSB]
- SCIE 1945-1974, SSCI 1956-1974 [UCI]
- 1970-1986 [UCB]
- 1970-1993 [UCSB]
- 1970-1993[UCI, UCSF]
- SCIE 1970-1986, A&H 1975-1986 [UCB]
- 1975-2000 [UCM]
- 1984-1988 [UCSD]
- 1987-1998 [UCB]
- 1989-1993 [UCD, UCLA, UCR, UCSC, UCSD]
- Iter Italicum [All campuses]
Japan Chronicle Online (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
JapanKnowledge (Kinokuniya) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
JapanKnowledge Plus NK (Kinokuniya) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Jewish Theater Under Stalinism (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
JNCI Cancer Spectrum (Oxford University Press) [All campuses]
John Wiley & Sons
- Chemistry Societies journal backfiles [All campuses]
- Cochrane Library [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
- Current Protocols Collection (Cell Biology; Cytometry; Human Genetics; Immunology; Molecular Biology; Neuroscience; Nucleic Acid Chemistry; Pharmacology; Protein Science; Toxicology) [All campuses]
- Current Protocols in Bioinformatics [UCLA, UCSF]
- Current Protocols in Microbiology [UCLA]
- e-EROS (Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
- Encyclopedia of Biostatistics [All campuses]
- Essential Evidence Plus [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- General Medicine journal backfiles [All campuses]
- International Tables for CrystAllography [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology [All campuses]
- Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials [All campuses]
- Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry [All campuses]
- Wiley InterScience Backfiles (Selective) [All campuses]
- Wiley InterScience Journals [All campuses]
Johns Hopkins University Press
- Project Muse Online Journals [All campuses]
Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters) [All campuses]
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (archive) (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History (Walter deGruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Journal of Consumer Psychology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Journal of Fluid Mechanics Digital Archive (Cambridge University Press) [All campuses]
Journal of Laser Applications (Laser Institute of America) (AIP)[All campuses]
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
Journal of Sufi Studies (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Journal of the American College of Radiology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- [UCI] assisted Tier 3
Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) Online (American Dental Association) [UCD, UCLA, UCSF]
Journal of Topology (Oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- ILL amendment 2002 [All campuses]
- ILL amendment 2007 [All campuses]
- JSTOR Current Scholarship Program [All campuses]
- JSTOR Institutional Participation Agreement 2016 (includes 2017-18 eBooks DDA) [All campuses]
- JSTOR Forum Institutional Participation Agreement 2019 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR African Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes; African Plants; Struggles for Freedom in South Africa [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences I Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences IV Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences V Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VI Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII Collection (was Complement) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences VIII Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences IX Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences X Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XI Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XII Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIII Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIV Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences XV Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Biological Sciences Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Business Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR Business II Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Ecology & Botany Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Ecology & Botany II Collection [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- JSTOR General Science Collection [All campuses], UCR amendment
- JSTOR Health & General Sciences Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Ireland Collection [UCB, UCLA, UCR]
- JSTOR Language & Literature Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR Life Sciences Collection [All campuses]
- JSTOR 19th Century British Pamphlets [UCB, UCI] assisted Tier 3
S. KargerAG
- Karger Online Journals 2008-2012 [All campuses] Retired
- Karger Journal Archive Collections [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Karger Journals, Journal Archive, and eBooks 2013-2015 [All campuses]
- 2016-2018 [All campuses]
- Karger Journals, Journal Archive, and eBooks 2019-2021 [ALL campuses]
Kikuzo II Visual for Library (Asahi Shimbun Company) [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB,UCSC]
Kinokuniya Book Store
- Bujitsu Shinpo [All campuses]
- Bungei Kurabu [All campuses]
- Bungeishunju archives [All campuses, incl LBNL]
- Citation information by NII : CiNii [All campuses]
- Fuzoku Gaho [All campuses]
- JapanKnowledge [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- JapanKnowledge Plus NK [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Kikuzo II Visual for Library (Asahi Shimbun Company) [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB,UCSC]
- Kokushi Dijiten [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Magazine Plus originAlly purchased in 2001; no license [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Nihon Kokugo Daijiten [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- Oriental Economist [All campuses]
- Takita Choin kyuzo Kindai sakka genkoshu [all campuses]
- Toyo Keizai 1895-1945 [All campuses]
- Toyo Keizai Digital Archives Unit Two 1946-2015 [All campuses, incl LBNL]
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (Wiley) [All campuses]
- KluwerOnline Journals (1999) (historical agreement) [All campuses] Retired
- KluwerOnline Journals (2002) (historical agreement) [All campuses] Retired
Knovel Corporation
- Knovel Interactive Library (2006) [UCB, UCI, UCM]
- Knovel Services (2012) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Kokushi Dijiten (Kinokuniya) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
LandScan (East View Information Services) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Language and Linguistics Compass (Blackwell) [All campuses]
L’Annee Philologique (Les Belles Lettres) [All campuses]
Late Qing Dynasty Periodical Full-Text Database (1833-1911) (Shanghai Tuqing Information Co., Ltd) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Latin America Data Base (University of New Mexico) [All campuses]
Latin American Women Writers (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Latino Literature (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference(Elsevier B.V.)
Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook (oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Les Belles Lettres
- L’Annee Philologique [All campuses]
Lexicon of Greek Grammarians (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
LexisNexis Academic (Lexis Nexis) [All campuses, licensed individuAlly] Retired
- [UCD] – example, please contact your campus for specific license terms
LexisNexis Academic (OCLC) [All campuses] Retired
- Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Part A [All campuses]
- Lexis Nexis Academic – see Lexis Nexis Academic Retired
- Nexis Uni (2019) [All campuses]
LGBT Life (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Life) (EBSCO) [All campuses]
Library Literature and Information Science (H.W. Wilson Company) [UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Life Sciences (book series package) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- LWW Online Journals (2001-2002) [All campuses] Retired
- Governing agreement with Ovid (2003-2009)
- Schedule A adding LWW Online Journal titles [All campuses]
- LWW Online Journals (2010) (Wolters Kluwer / Ovid) [All campuses]
- Addendum 1: Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 2: Circulation Collection [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 3: Bates Visual Guide [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 4: Bates Visual Guide; Acland Anatomy [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- LWW Ovid Archive License 2001 [All campuses]
Literature Compass (Blackwell) [All campuses]
Literature Online (LION) (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Literature Resource Center (Gale Cengage) [All campuses]
Loeb Classical Library (Harvard University Press) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB]
Los Angeles Times [Current Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Los Angeles Times [Historical Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Ludos (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Magazine Plus (Kinokuniya) originAlly purchased in 2001; no license [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Making of the Modern World (Gale Cengage) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSC]
Mary Ann Liebert
- Mary Ann Liebert Online Journals [All campuses] Retired
- Mary Ann Liebert Online Journals [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
- Mary Ann Liebert Legacy Archive [All campuses]
Maruzen – Yushodo Company, Limited
Marcel Dekker Encyclopedias [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, UCSF]
Massachusetts Medical Society
- New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Online [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- NEJM Archive [All campuses]
Materials Research Society
- MRS Online Proceedings Library [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Mathematics Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
- AccessEngineering [UCD,UCLA,UCM,UCR,UCSD,UCSB]
- AccessMedicine [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF] Retired
- AccessMedicine [2014 license] [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF]
- AccessMedicine [2017 Addendum] [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF]
- AccessMedicine 2019-2020 [2018 Addendum] [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF]
- OMMBID 2019-2020[2018 Addendum] [UCB,UCD,UCI,UCLA,UCR,UCSD,UCSF]
- Scriver’s OMMBID : the online metabolic & molecular bases of inherited disease [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF] Retired
MD Consult (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
Medical Physics (AIP) [All campuses]
Medicine and Dentistry Supplement 1 – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD]
Methods in Cell Biology – book series (Elsevier B.V.)
Methods in Enzymology (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
Methexis (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Mexican Cinema Online (Brill Publishers) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Sixteenth Edition [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
MIT Press
- CogNet Library [All campuses]
- MIT Press Online Journals [All campuses]
- American Journal of Health Economics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- MIT Press eBooks Library: Computing and Engineering Collection (IEEE; base license here)
- MIT Press eBooks: 1943-2019 [All campuses, incl LLNL, LBNL]
MLA International Bibliography (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
Morgan & Claypool
- Synthesis: the Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
- Synthesis Collection One [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
- Synthesis Collection Two [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
- Synthesis Collection Three [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
- Synthesis Collection Four [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA,UCSD]
- Synthesis Collection Five [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Synthesis Collection Six [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Synthesis Collection Seven [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLS, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSC]
- Synthesis Collection Eight [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSC]
- Synthesis Collection Nine [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- Synthesis Collection Ten [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, LBNL]
Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences (add-on to Morgan & Claypool Synthesis license)
- Colloquium Collection One [UCD, UCLA, UCSF]
- Colloquium Collection Two [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Colloquium Collection Three [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
- Colloquium Collection Four [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
MRS Online Proceedings Library (Materials Research Society) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
MultiData Online (MultiData Services Incorporation SARL) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC] Retired
Music Index Online (Harmonie Park Press – Retired) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] now EBSCO
National Palace Museum Online (NPM) (AIRITI) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB] Retired now open access
National Research Council of Canada
- NRC Research Press Online Journals [All campuses]
- NRC Research Press Online Journals [Archive] (2006) [All campuses]
- NRC Research Press Online Journals [Archive] (2007) [All campuses]
Natural Standard Professional Database (Therapeutic Research Center LLC) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
Nature Publishing Group- Nature Online Journals [All campuses]
- Addendum 5/9/2002 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
- Addendum 8/15/2002 Nature Materials
- Addendum 10/23/2002 various journals
- Addendum 3/26/2003 European Molecular Biology Organization Report
- Addendum 12/12/2003 Nature Reviews Microbiology
- Addendum 12/12/2003 various journals
- Addendum 6/20/2006 Cell Research
- License Agreement 12/1/2006
- Nature Publishing Group Online Journals [Archive] [All campuses]
- See Springer-Nature for 2017+
- Naxos Music Library (Naxos) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Naxos Music Library. Jazz (Naxos) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB]
- Television News Archive [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Elsevier B.V.) [UCM] assisted Tier 3
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Archive (Massachusetts Medical Society) [All campuses]
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Online (Massachusetts Medical Society) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
New York Times [Current Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
New York Times [Historical Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Nichigai Associates Inc
- Main License [UCB, UCD, UCM, UCSB, UCSD]
- Magazine Plus
- BookPlus
- WhoPlus
Nihon Kokugo Daijiten (Kinokuniya) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
19th Century British Pamphlets (JSTOR) [UCB, UCI] assisted Tier 3
19th Century U.S. Newspapers (Gale Group) [UCB.UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Black Studies Database [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB] Retired
- Family & Society Studies Worldwide[UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB] now EBSCO
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature [All campuses] now EBSCO
- RIPM Online [All campuses] now EBSCO
- Women’s Studies International [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB] now EBSCO
North American Theater Online (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
North American Women’s Drama (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
North American Women’s Letters and Diaries (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Now Publishers Inc.
- FnT Journals [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
NRC Research Press Online Journals (National Research Council of Canada) [All campuses]
NRC Research Press Online Journals [Archive] (National Research Council of Canada) [All campuses]
Nucleic Acids Research (Membership) (Oxford University Press – Journals) [All campuses]
- Alternative Press Index and Archive [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC] now EBSCO
- Anthropology Plus [All campuses]
- Chicano Database [All campuses] now EBSCO
- LexisNexis Academic [All campuses]
- OCLC WorldCat Collection Analysis Tool [All campuses]
OCLC (Previously RLG)
- FRANCIS [All campuses] now EBSCO
- Hand Press Book Database [All campuses]
- History of Science, Technology, and Medicine [All campuses]
- Index to Nineteenth-Century American Art Periodica (All campuses]
- Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies [All campuses]
- SCIPIO: Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs [All campuses]
OCLC Base Package (OCLC) [All campuses]
- ArticleFirst® [All campuses]
- PapersFirst® [All campuses]
- ProceedingsFirst® [All campuses]
- World Almanac [All campuses]
- WorldCat [All campuses]
- WorldCatDissertations [All campuses]
The Ocular Surface – (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
- SourceOECD [All campuses]
OHO Full Literature Discipline (Oxford University Press) [All campuses]
OHO Political Science Collections (Oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
OMMBID (McGraw-Hill) [2014] [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
OMMBID (McGraw-Hill) [2017 Addendum] [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSC, UCSD, UCSF]
Opera in Video (Alexander Street Press) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
Optical Society of America
- Optics Infobase [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Organic Chemistry Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Biosis Previews, INSPEC, MLA International Biography, Ei Compendex Plus, Current Contents [All campuses] Retired – now Thomson Reuters
- LWW Online Journals (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) [All campuses]
- Addendum 1: Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 2: Circulation Collection [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 3: Bates Visual Guide [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- LWW Ovid Archive License [All campuses]
- Book Review Digest [UCSB, UCSC]
- EconLit [All campuses] Retired – now ProQuest/CSA
- Essay & General Literature Index [UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- FIAF International Film Archive [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired – now ProQuest
Oxford African American Studies Center [UCB, UCI, UCR, UCSD, UCSC] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford English Dictionary [All campuses] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Islamic studies online [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSC] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Journals Online (Oxford University Press – Journals) [All campuses]
- Classical Receptions Journal [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Journal of Topology [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Social Forces [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Social Problems [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Endocrinology, Sleep, International Affairs [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Oxford University Press Read & Publish Journals Agreement (2025-2028)
Oxford Journals Complete Archive (Oxford University Press – Journals) [All campuses]
- Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Oxford Bibliographies Online – Cinema and Media Studies [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Oxford Medicine Online eBook – Integrative Oncology, 2nd Edition [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO)
- OHO Full Literature Discipline [All campuses]
- OHO Political Science Collections [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- OHO Music Foundation Collection [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- OHO Political Science 2014 -2017 [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- various (medical/verterinary journals) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Oxford language dictionaries online [UCB, UCI, UCSD] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Reference Online [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Reference Online – Literature add-on module [UCI, UCLA, UCSD] (via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Reference Online – Western Civilization add-on module {UCI, UCLA] ((via CSU Agrmt)
Oxford Scholarship Online [UCB] (via CSU Agrmt)
PAIS International (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
PapersFirst® (Included in OCLC Base Package) (OCLC) [All campuses]
Parliamentary Papers 19th Century, House of Commons (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Patrologia Latina (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Pedosphere Online (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
People’s Daily (TwinBridge) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Periodicals Archive Online (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Periodicals Contents Index (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
Philosophers Index (ProQuest/CSA) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Philosophy Compass (Blackwell) [All campuses]
Phoenix Bioinformatics Corporation
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Physical and Analytical Chemistry Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Physics and Astronomy (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Physics and Astronomy (Legacy 1) (eBooks collections) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3</em >
Physics Today Archive (AIP)[All campuses]
Play Index (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
PLoS (Public Library of Science) [All campuses]
- PNAS Online [All campuses] (No Current License)
Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Powder Diffraction (AIP) [All campuses]
Princeton University
- Index of Christian Art [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Probus (De Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
ProceedingsFirst® (Included in OCLC Base Package) (OCLC) [All campuses]
Project Muse Online Journals 2010 (Johns Hopkins University Press) [All campuses]
ProjectMUSE eBooks – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- Comprehensive License 2011 [All campuses]
- 20th Century African-American Poetry [All campuses]
- 20th Century American Poetry [All campuses]
- 20th Century Drama [All campuses]
- 20th Century English Poetry [All campuses]
- Acta Sanctorum [All campuses]
- African Writer’s Series [All campuses]
- Agricola [UCB, UCI, UCR]
- American Drama [All campuses]
- American Film Institute catalog [All campuses]
- American Periodicals Series Online, 1740-1900 [All campuses]
- Black Studies Center [All campuses]
- C19, the Nineteenth Century Index [All campuses]
- Digital National Security Archives [All campuses]
- Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker im WWW [All campuses]
- Ethnic NewsWatch [All campuses]
- Ethnic NewsWatch Historical File [All campuses]
- FIAF International Film Archive [UCB,UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Film Index International [[UCB, UCD, UCI, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB; UCSC has a local subscription and is not included on the license]
- GenderWatch [All campuses]
- Gerritsen Collection – Women’s History Online [All campuses]
- Historical Newspapers Online (Includes: Palmer’s index to the Times, 1790-1905 with Palmer’s full text 1785-1870; Official index to The Times, 1906-1980; Historical index to the NYTimes, 1851-1922; Combined indexes with Palmer’s full text, 1785-1870) [All campuses]
- Historic Chicago Tribune [All campuses]
- Historic San Francisco Chronicle [All campuses]
- Historic Washington Post [All campuses]
- House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 19th C [All campuses]
- House Unpublished Hearings Collections / Senate Unpublished Hearings Collections, Part A [UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- IBA (International Bibliography of Art) [All campuses]
- IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Sciences) [UCSB]
- IIMP Full Text Online Journals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Literature Online (LION) [All campuses]
- Los Angeles Times [Current Content] [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired See Major Dailies
- Los Angeles Times [Historical Content] [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Major Dailies [All campuses]
- New York Times [Current Content] [All campuses] Retired See Major Dailies
- New York Times [Historical Content][All campuses]
- O’Reilly for Higher Education [All campuses]
- Patrologia Latina [All campuses]
- Periodicals Archive Online [All campuses]
- Periodicals Index Online [All campuses]
- Proquest Digital Dissertations [All campuses]
- Safari Tech Books Online [All campuses] Retired See O’Reilly for Higher Education
- Sociological Abstracts [All campuses]
- Ulrich’s Services [All campuses]
- Ulrich’s API Terms of Use [All campuses]
- Wall Street Journal [Current Content] [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired See Major Dailies
- WAll Street Journal [Historical Content] [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- ARTbibliographies Modern [All campuses]
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- Earthquake Engineering Abstracts [All campuses]
- GeoRef [All campuses]
- Index Islamicus [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- MLA International Bibliography [All campuses]
- Philosophers Index [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- PsycARTICLES [All campuses]
- PsycINFO [All campuses]
- Social Services Abstracts [All campuses]
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory [All campuses]
- Ulrich’s API Terms of Use [All campuses]
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts [All campuses]
PsycARTICLES (ProQuest) [All campuses]
PsycINFO (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Psychology Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (Oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford University Press) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Rand California (Rand) [All campuses]
Readers Guide Retrospective (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
- Access World News [All campuses]
- American State Papers (1789 – 1838) [All campuses]
- Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans [All campuses]
- Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw Shoemaker [All campuses]
- Early American Newspapers (1690-1876) [All campuses]
- Early American Newspapers, Series II: 1758-1900 [All campuses]
- Evans Digital Archive [All campuses]
- Foreign Broadcast Information Services Daily Reports: Western Europe, 1974-1996 [All campuses]
- U.S. Congressional Serials Set (1817-1980) [All campuses]
Reaxys (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
Red Book Online [UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (EBSCO) [All campuse]
RIPM Online (EBSCO) [All campuses]
Royal Society (Great Britain) Online Journals (Royal Society) [All campuses]
Royal Society of Chemistry
- RSC Online Journals and Databases (Royal Society of Chemistry) [All campuses]
- RSC Online Journals (>2018), Databases and Ebook Collections (2007-2023) (Royal Society of Chemistry) [All campuses]
- Main License 2018 (2018)
- Addendum 1 – Journals 2019 – 2021 (2019)
- Addendum 2 – Journals 2021 (2021)
- Main License 2018 (2018)
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (OCLC – previously RLG) [All campuses]
SAE International
- Technical Papers from 1998-Present [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- Technical Papers Backfile 1906-1997 [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA]
Safari Tech Books Online (ProQuest) [All campuses] Retired See O’Reilly for Higher Education
Sage Online Journals (Sage Publications) [All campuses]
- 2005-2007
- 2008-2010 and Backfile
- 2011
- 2012-2013
- Backfile 2009-2012
- 2014-2016 and Backfiles
- Premier Journal Collection, Backfiles 2017-
- Insight on Africa: a Journal of Contemporary African Affairs [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Additional Titles (2018)
Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials (Wiley) [All campuses]
Science (AAAS) [All campuses]
Science Express (AAAS) [All campuses]
Science of Synthesis, Houben-Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformation, Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry (Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.) [All campuses]
Science Signaling (formerly Science’s STKE : signal transduction knowledge environment) (AAAS) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
ScienceDirect Online Journals (2009) (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
ScienceDirect Online Journals (2004) (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
SciFinder Scholar (1999) (Chemical Abstracts Service) [All campuses]
- CAS Web Client Rider (2008) [All campuses]
- SciFinder 2021
- SciFinder 2023
- SciFinder 2024-2028
SCIPIO: Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs(OCLC – previously RLG) [All campuses]
Scopus (Elsevier B.V.) [All campuses]
Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Scriver’s OMMBID : the online metabolic & molecular bases of inherited disease(McGraw-Hill) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
SEG Digital Library (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) [All campuses]
Semitic Languages: An International Handbook (Walter De Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference (Elsevier B.V.)
17th and 18th Century U.K. Newspapers, The Burney Collection (Gale Group)
- Amendment to Purchase Agreement [UCD]
- Amendment to License Agreement [UCD]
- Amendment to Purchase Agreement [UCB, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
- Amendment to License Agreement [UCB, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Shanghai Tuqing Information Co., Ltd.
- Chinese Periodical Full-Text Database (1911-1949) [UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Late Qing Dynasty Periodical Full-Text Database (1833-1911) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
- North China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists (1850-1951) [UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Shared Shelf Agreement (ARTstor) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC]
Shun Bao (Green Apple Data Center) [All campuses]
Si bu cong kan (Chinese University of Hong Kong) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Si ku quan shu (Chinese University Press, Chinese University of Hong Kong) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC] Retired see CNPEIC Si Ku Quan Shu
SIAM Journals Online (Archives) (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematices) [All campuses]
Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries (Alexander Street Press) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest) [All campuses]
Social Science Supplement I – subject backfile (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- SEG Digital Library [All campuses]
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematices (SIAM)
- SIAM Journals Online (Archives) [All campuses]
- SIAM Online e-Books [All campuses]
Society of Rheology Online Journals (AIP) [All campuses]
Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
SOLINET for Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy International Association Retired
SourceOECD (OECD) [All campuses]
SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering)
- SPIE Digital Library [All campuses]
- SPIE eBooks Collection [All campuses]
- Addendum 2010 eBooks 1989-2013
- Addendum 2014 eBooks 2014-2016
Springer Science + Business Media
- See Springer-Nature for 2017+
- Springer License Agreement 2016 [52653] [All campuses]
- Springer License Agreement 2013-2015 [13177] [All campuses]
- Springer Master License 2011-2012 [9108] [All campuses]
- Springer eBooks 2009 [5699] [All campuses] Retired
- Springer MyCopy Amendment [All campuses]
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [5699.001, 5699.002] assisted Tier 3 (for agreement please contact licensing staff)
- Springer eBooks 2010 [5699.003] [All campuses]
- Online Journals 2005-2007 [All campuses] Retired
- Online Journals ARCHIVE 2005 [All campuses]
- Springer book series 2005 [2nd amendment] [All campuses]
- Online Journals Amendment 2008-2010 [5085] [All campuses]
- Online Journals ARCHIVE Amendment 2009 [5085.001] [UCB]
- Online Journals ARCHIVE Supplement 2009 [5085.002] [UCSD]
- Online Journals ARCHIVE Supplement 2009 [5085.003] [UCD]
- Online Journals ARCHIVE Supplement 2009 [5085.004] [UCM]
- Online Journals Additional Licensed Materials 2009-2010 [5085.005] [All campuses]
- Online Journals Additional Licensed Materials 2010 [5085.006] [All campuses]
- Springer-Verlag Link 2002 [All campuses] Retired
- Springer-Verlag Link 2000 [All campuses] Retired
- Springer-Nature Transformative Agreement 2021-2023 [7782.01.00] [All campuses]
- Springer Nature License Agreement 2024-2028
- Scientific American
- eBook Collections
- Protocols and Methods
- Springer-Nature License Agreement 2021 [41746.01.00] (All campuses) Retired
- Springer-Nature License Agreement 2017-2019 [55814] [All campuses]
- Single Title Journal Subscriptions (Springer Research Group)
- Single Title Journal Subscriptions (Springer Research Group) – Adis
- Single Title Journal Subscriptions (Springer Research Group) – Academic Journals on
- Single Title Journal Subscriptions (Nature Research Group)
- Springer Nature Protocols and Methods
- eBook Collections
- Springer-Nature Amendment April 2018 [55814.001] [All campuses]
- Springer-Nature Amendment October 2018 [55814.002] [ALL campuses]
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Membership] (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy International Association) [All campuses]
STAT!Ref Med. Reference (Teton Data Systems) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
STAT-USA Internet (U.S. Department of Commerce) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD] Retired
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
SuperStar e-Book Collection (Beijing SuperStar) [UCSD, UCSB]
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Synlett [Archive] (Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.) [All campuses]
Synthesis [Archive] (Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.) [All campuses]
Synthesis: the Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science (Morgan & Claypool) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSC]
TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource (Phoenix Bioinformatics Corporation) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service (TEPS) (AIRITI) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
Taiyo Online (Kinokuniya Book Store) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD]
Taylor & Francis
- CRCnetBASE 2021 Purchase [All campuses except UCSF; includes LBNL]
- CRCnetBASE 2013 Purchase
- CHEMnetBASE [All campuses]
- ENVIROnetBASE [All campuses]
- MATHnetBASE [All campuses]
- STATSnetBASE [All campuses]
- CRCnetBASE 2017-2019 Purchase (2017) [All campuses]
- Taylor & Francis Online Journal Archive (complete as of December 2015) (2016) [All campuses]
- Taylor & Francis Online Journals (2007) [All campuses] see also Informa Healthcare Retired
- Taylor & Francis Online Journals (2010) [All campuses] Retired
- Taylor & Francis Online Journals (2016 – 2018) [All campuses] Retired
- Taylor & Francis Online Journals (2019-2021) [ALL campuses]
- Taylor & Francis Transformative Agreement 2024 MOU
Television News Archive (Vanderbilt Television News Archive) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Teton Data Systems
- STAT!Ref Med. Reference [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
Theater in Video (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Therapeutic Research Center, LLC
- Natural Standard Professional Database [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Online (Walter de Gruyter, Inc.) [All campuses]
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
- Science of Synthesis, Houben-Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformations, Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry [All campuses]
- Synlett [Archive] [All campuses]
- Synthesis [Archive] [All campuses]
- Thieme E-Book Library (English Titles) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF]
- Thieme ElectronicBook Library: Flexibook Atlases & Textbooks [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF] Retired
- Thieme Science Journals 2003
- Planta Medica [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSF]
- Plant Biology [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCR, UCSB]
- Thieme Science Journals 2008
- Planta Medica [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF]
Thomson Reuters (was Thomson Scientific now Clarivate)
- BIOSIS Previews (added to WoS agreement) [All campuses]
- INSPEC [All campuses] RETIRED see Elsevier
- Web of Science (WoS) [All campuses]
TBRC Digital Library (Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center) [All campuses]
Times Digital Archive (Gale Cengage) [All campuses]
Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd Beijing, for the China National Knowledge Infrastructure
- China 2010 National Census [All campuses]
Toyo Keizai (Toyo Keizai Digital Content Library, 2020) [All campuses]
Transmission Books & MicroInfo Co., Ltd
- Central Daily News [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
- Wisenews [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
- Tawian Nichinichi Shinpo Sound Culture Database [UCB, UCLA, UCSD]
Trans Tech Publications Limited (TTP)
- Trans Tech Publications Electronic Journals [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Treatise on Geochemistry (Elsevier B.V.)
- [UCLA, UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD, UCI, UCM, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Treatise on Geomorphology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Treatise on Geophysics (Elsevier B.V.)
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- [UCM] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- [UCD, 2016] assisted Tier 3
Treatise on Water Science(Elsevier B.V.) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Trip Database, Ltd.
- TRIP Database [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCR, UCSD]
20th Century African-American Poetry (ProQuest) [All campuses]
20th Century American Poetry(ProQuest) [All campuses]
20th Century Drama (ProQuest) [All campuses]
20th Century English Poetry (ProQuest) [All campuses]
20th Century German History Online: National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945 (Walter De Gruyter) [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- People’s Daily [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
U.S. Congressional Serials Set (1817-1980) (Readex/NEWSBANK) [All campuses]
U.S. Dept. of Commerce
- STAT-USA Internet [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD] Retired
UCLA Latin American Center
- Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI Online) [All campuses]
Udndata (Transmission Books & Microinfo Co. Ltd.) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (Wiley) [All campuses]
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
- Ulrich’s API Terms of Use [All campuses]
University of California Press Journals via SERU [All campuses]
University of Chicago Press
- Chicago Manual of Style Online [UCB, UCLA, UCR, UCSB]
- University of Chicago Press Journals [All campuses]
University of Michigan, China Data Center
- China Data Online [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
University of New Mexico
- Latin America Data Base [All campuses]
Vanderbilt University Library Television News Archive
- Television News Archive [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB]
Veterinary Medicine 2010 (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Veterinary Medicine 2011 (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Veterinary Medicine 2015 (eBook collection) (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Veterinary Toxicology (Elsevier B.V.) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
WAll Street Journal [Current Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
WAll Street Journal [Historical Content] (ProQuest) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC]
Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
- AKL Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Online [UCR] assisyed Tier 3
- Byzantinische Zeitschrift archive [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Chateauroux Version of the “Chanson de Roland” [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory subscription [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Das Mittelalter: Perspektiiven mediaevistischer Forschung [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- De Gruyter eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Der literarische Expressionismus Online [All campuses]
- The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels Online [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- EEG Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Enzyklopaedie des Marchens Online [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Feministische Studien Journal Online [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Frequenz subscription [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Historisches Wortebuch de Rhetorik Online [UCR] assisted Tier 3
- Journal Archives [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Journal Archives (1826-2013) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Journal Archives [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (archive) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Probus subscription [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Semitic Languages: An International Handbook [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Online [All campuses]
- 2012 Harvard University Press eBooks [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- 2014 Harvard University Press eBooks [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
- 20th Century German History Online: National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945 [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. C [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Wanfang Data including: China Online Journals, Dissertations of China, Academic Conference Proceedings, Chinese Companies and Products, Policies and Laws of China (Wanfang Data) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD]
Web of Science (WoS) (was Thomson Scientific, Thomson Reuters now Clarivate) [All campuses]
- Amendment December 18, 2018 [All campuses]
- Biosis Citation Index (BCI)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- InCites Journal and Highly Cited Data (InCites JHCD) includes Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Essential Science Indicators(ESI)
- INSPEC [RETIRED, See Elsevier]
- Web of Science
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
WebNews [All campuses]
Wiley Electronic Products and Journals Read & Publish Agreement 2024-2026
Wiley Electronic Products (2010-2012) [All campuses]
- Amendment 2013-2015 [All campuses]
- Amendment 2016-2018 [All campuses]
- Amendment 2019 [ALL campuses]
- Appendix C: Journal Backfiles
- not numbered Chemistry Societies Journal Backfiles Collection; General Medicine Journal Backfiles [All campuses]
- Amendment 1 – 2010: Journal backfiles (various) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- not numbered – 2011: Journal backfiles (master appendix) [UCB, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 1- 2013: Journal backfiles (various) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- not numbered 2014: AGU Journal Backfiles [All campuses]
- Appendix D(a): Licensed Electronic Major Reference Works: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology; Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry [All campuses]
- Amendment 1: Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics; Nanotechnology for the Life Sciences [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 2: International Tables for CrystAllography [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- not numbered Licensed Online Reference Works – One-time Purchase, with or without Annual Updates [All campuses]
- not numbered Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (7th edition) [All campuses]
- not numbered Wiley Encyclopedia of Management [UCM]
- Appendix D(b) Licensed Online Reference Works: Organic Reactions [UCLA} assisted Tier 3
- Appendix E: OnlineBooks 2010 [All campuses]
- Appendix E(a):
- Appendix F:
- Appendix G: Current Protocols (master appendix) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 1: Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology [UCSD]
- Appendix H: Licensed Electronic Databases
- not numbered eEROS [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
- Appendix I (a): Essential Evidence Plus [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Appendix L: AnthroSource [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC]
Wiley InterScience Backfiles (Selective) (2004-2009) (John Wiley & Sons) [All campuses] Retired Appendix E: Journal Backfiles
- Appendix E: Journal Backfiles
- Amendment 1: AIchE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers); Process Safety Progress [All campuses]
- Amendment 2: Materials Science Backfile Collection; Neuroscience Backfile Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 3: Cell and Developmental Biology Backfile Collection; Genetics and Evolution Backfile Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 4: General Medicine Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Analytical Sciences Backfile Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 6: Mathematics Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Journal of Pathology [All campuses]
- Amendment 8: not executed
- Amendment 9: General Medicine Backfile Collection; Health Care Policy and Management Backfile Collection [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 10: Chemical Societies Backfile Collection; Food Science, Technology, & Agriculture Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: Chemistry Societies Backfile Collection [UCSD]assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 12: Oncology and Hematology Backfile Collection [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Chemistry Societies Backfile Collection [UCD] assisted Tier 3
Wiley InterScience Journals (2004-2009) (John Wiley & Sons) [All campuses] Retired
- Appendix C: Electronic Major Reference Works
- Amendment 2: Encyclopedia of Applied Physics; Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics; Encyclopedia of Life Sciences; Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: Encyclopedia of Applied Physics [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences [UCI, UCLA, UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry; Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 6: Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science; Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics; Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation [UCLA] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 8: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 9: Blackwell Reference Online (BRO): Language & Linguistics Package [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 10: International Encyclopedia of Communication [UCI] assisted Tier 3
- not numbered: Organic Reactions Annual Subscriptions [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Appendix D: Current Protocols Online
- Amendment 2: Current Protocols in Bioinformatics [UCSB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: Current Protocols in Microbiology [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCSF]
- Appendix E: Journal Backfile Collections
- Amendment 1: AIChE Journal; Process Safety Progress [All campuses]
- Amendment 2: Materials Science Backfile Collection; Neuroscience Backfile COllection [All campuses]
- Amendment 3: Cell and Developmental Biology Backfile Collection; Genetics and Evolution Backfile Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 4: General Medicine Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Analytical Sciences Backfile Collection [All campuses]
- Amendment 6: Mathematics Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 7: Journal of Pathology [All campuses]
- Amendment 8 not executed
- Amendment 9: General Medicine Backfile Collection; Health Care Policy and Management Backfile Collection [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 10: Chemistry Societies Backfile Collection; Food Science, Technology, & Agriculture Backfile Collection [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 11: Chemistry Societies Backfile Collection [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 12: Oncology and Hematology Backfile Collection [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 13: Chemistry Societies Backfiles [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Appendix F: Cochrane Library [UCSD] (2004) assisted Tier 3
- Appendix G: Licensed Electronic Databases – Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (e-EROS) [UCM]
- Appendix H: Licensed Onlinebooks
- not numbered Licensed Onlinebooks (157 various titles) [UCR], (22 various titles) [UCB], (3 various titles) [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 1: Licensed Onlinebooks (various, duplicate of 3 titles above) [UCSC] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 2: Licensed Onlinebooks (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 3: Licensed Onlinebooks (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 4: Licensed Onlinebooks (various) [UCD] assisted Tier 3
- Amendment 5: Licensed Onlinebooks (various) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
- Appendix I: Cochrane Library [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF] (2006)
Wiley-IEEE eBooks (IEEE) [All campuses]
Wilsonweb Art Full Text Online Journals (H.W. Wilson Company) [All campuses]
Wisenews (Transmission Books & MicroInfo Co., Ltd) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD]
Wolters Kluwer / Ovid
- LWW Online Journals (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) [All campuses]
- Addendum 1: Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 2: Circulation Collection [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 3: Bates Visual Guide [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- Addendum 4: Bates Visual Guide; Acland Anatomy [UCSF] assisted Tier 3
- LWW Ovid Archive License [All campuses]
Women and Social Movements (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Women and Social Movements: Scholarly Edition (Alexander Street Press) [All campuses]
Women’s Studies International (EBSCO) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSB]
World Almanac (Included in OCLC Base Package) (OCLC) [All campuses]
World Bank Publications
- World Bank e-Library, World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance Online (2006)
- WDI, GDF, e-Library: UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM
- World Bank e-Library, World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance Online, Africa Development Indicators Online (Addendum 2008)
- WDI, GDF, e-Library, ADI: UCLA
- WDI, GDF, e-Library: UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD
- World Bank e-Library (Addendum 2010) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- World Bank e-Library (Addendum 2012) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
- World Bank e-Library (Addendum 2015) [UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD]
WorldCat (Included in OCLC Base Package)(OCLC) [All campuses]
WorldCatDissertations (Included in OCLC Base Package) (OCLC) [All campuses]
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices (Gale Group) [All campuses]
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (ProQuest/CSA) [All campuses]
World Scholar: Latin American and Caribbean (Gale Cengage) [UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB]
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (ProQuest CSA) [All campuses]
- World Bank e-Library, World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance Online, Africa Development Indicators Online (Addendum 2008)
Yale University Press Electronic Art and Architecture Portal (2021)
Yearbook of International Organizations (Brill Academic Publishers) [UCSD] assisted Tier 3
The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies (Brill Publishers) [UCB] assisted Tier 3
Yomidas Rekishikan (The Yomiuri Shimbum Tokyo) [UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCSB]
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. C (Walter de Gruyter) [UCB] assisted Tier 3