New Naxos Music Library 3 Debuts
Users of UC-licensed Naxos Music Library are now being redirected to the new Naxos Music Library 3 platform. Naxos Music Library All campuses (except SF), plus LBL According to the NLM3 platform information, this version incorporates a fresh new […]
UPDATE: WEST Member Meeting at ALA Midwinter location announced – January 26, 2020, 1-2:30pm EST – Register now!
WEST has received our meeting room assignment for the Member Meeting at ALA Midwinter 2020 in Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown 1201 Market Street Franklin 1 (4th floor) Philadelphia, PA 19107 January 26, 1-2:30pm EST WEST member meetings are open […]
Updates on OCLC shared print infrastructure
In the summer of 2018, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded a grant to OCLC and CRL to support a joint Shared Print Data Infrastructure project to “enhance the underlying infrastructure of the OCLC WorldCat database and CRL’s Print Archives […]
Call for WEST Archiving, Deselection, and Lending Statistics for Cycle 8 (2018/2019)
Every year WEST asks member institutions to report information about various programmatic activities, including archiving for WEST, lending of WEST archived materials, and deselection of journals from local collections. This year we’re using a slightly different approach from previous years: […]
New Resource: The Gale Digital Scholar Lab
Five campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego) now have access to The Gale Digital Scholar Lab. The Gale Digital Scholar Lab is designed to transform the way researchers access and analyze Gale’s primary source content by integrating […]
“Toward a National Archival Finding Aid Network” planning initiative: outcomes and availability of action plan
We are pleased to share the following action plan, which represents the culmination of “Toward a National Archival Finding Aid Network” (NAFAN) — a one-year (October 2018-September 2019) planning initiative convened by the California Digital Library (CDL), with the participation […]
SCP Monthly Update — November 2019
SCP posted the distribution statistics report for the month of October 2019. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. They are color coded as: Net Increase (Green) — Net […]
Diverse Narratives and Myriad Perspectives: New Collections on Calisphere!
We are thrilled to highlight new collections on Calisphere that feature community voices and stories. These collections are made available in close collaboration with local community members and broaden our worldview through the diverse narratives and myriad perspectives that resonate […]
WEST Phase 4 AGUA Systems Development Updates
This has been a very productive development cycle for the AGUA development team, with a mix of front-end updates to the user interface as well as back-end changes that will help facilitate journal family identification and collection analysis. New interface […]
WorldCat Discovery: Public Notes from LHRs display with item information
The WorldCat Discovery installation on October 17, 2019 included the following new enhancement. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note: Not all of the enhancements/bug fixes are relevant to the UC Melvyl instances.) New features […]