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CDL, CRL, & HathiTrust Collaboration for Shared Print Infrastructure

In June, California Digital Library (CDL), the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), & HathiTrust affirmed their commitment – first announced in January 2020 – to take the lead in building on the last decade of shared print efforts to realize […]

Alexander Street Historical Collections migrate to the LAZR Platform

According to ASP’s migration information webpage, several Alexander Street legacy products are moving to the LAZR platform effective June 30, 2020. Affected UC-licensed resources are: Early Encounters in North America; all campuses North American Women’s Letters and […]

Notes from the summer WEST Members’ Meeting

WEST hosted its summer Members’ Meeting on June 22, the first Members’ Meeting to be offered entirely virtually. Over 40 individuals from over 35 WEST member institutions were in attendance, hearing program updates as well as targeted presentations on burgeoning […]

JoVE trial ends

The full trial access that UC has had to JoVE content will end on June 30, 2020. Access will continue as normal for libraries with JoVE Unlimited or individual subscriptions to JoVe Video Journals and Science Education. For more information […]

Introducing new ‘About WEST’ web pages

One of the recommendations made by the WEST governance groups at the 2019 Strategic Planning Session was to “assess and update WEST’s website, curation of documentation, and communication strategies.” To this end, the WEST project team has been working to […]

SciFindern now available for all UC faculty, staff and students

SciFindern (or SciFinder-n) is the new, streamlined SciFinder interface from CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) that covers the chemical literature, indexing millions of journal articles, patents, substances, and chemical reactions. The current SciFinder is not going away, so UC has access […]

Merritt and Dryad Certified by CoreTrustSeal as Trustworthy Repositories

University of California Curation Center (UC3) is happy to announce that its Merritt repository and Dryad’s underlying technical platform (Dash) have received CoreTrustSeal certification. This certification helps to instill transparency and accountability to our stakeholder communities, as it provides public evidence of […]

New Resource: Kōbunsō Taika Koshomoku 弘文荘待賈古書目

“Kōbunsō Taika Koshomoku” is a set of antiquarian books catalogs distributed to customers by Shigeo Sorimachi (1901-1991), who founded the vintage bookstore “Kōbunsō” in 1932. All 10,000 pages from the 77 volumes of Kōbunsō’s catalogs originally published between 1933 and […]

OCLC Launches Shared Print Infrastructure Enhancements

In 2018 OCLC and the Center for Research Libraries were awarded a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support a joint Shared Print Data Infrastructure project. Two major development projects that OCLC and CRL have undertaken are a […]

O’Reilly for Higher Education now available for UC

O’Reilly for Higher Education (OHE) is now available for all UC campuses on O’Reilly’s new platform: . OHE contains close to 48,000 titles of technical eBooks, videos, interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths and audio books from O’Reilly & […]