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Rosemont Shared Print Alliance update

In 2015 and 2016 WEST began engaging in conversations with other regional shared print programs across the country to explore ways we could collaborate on various issues impacting shared print. From these conversations the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance was born, […]

Welcome Rachel Lee, P&SC’s New Publications Manager

The Publishing & Special Collections Group welcomes Rachel Lee as the new Publications Manager for eScholarship! Leveraging her deep expertise in journal publishing, Rachel will develop new programs and materials to support the success of the 80+ open access journals […]

Save the Date! WEST Member Meeting at ALA Midwinter – January 26, 2020, 1-2:30pm EST

The WEST Member Meeting for ALA Midwinter 2020 in Philadelphia, PA, is scheduled for Sunday, January 26 from 1-2:30pm EST. This session is open to anyone interested in WEST or shared print, and will include program updates. Please join us […]

New Dryad is Here

The Dryad team has worked over the past year to understand what features are required to best support the research community’s ever-evolving needs. We are proud to announce the launch of our new Dryad platform and we are excited to […]

WorldCat Discovery: Additional format information in detailed records

The WorldCat Discovery installation on September 23, 2019 included the following new enhancement. The running list of release notes can be found at (Note:  Not all of the enhancements/bug fixes are relevant to the UC Melvyl instances.) New features […]

New Resource: MIT Press Direct eBooks, 1943-2019

All UC campuses now have access to MIT Press Direct eBooks; some campuses may have already had access via local subscriptions.    (All campuses, plus LBNL and LLNL; on the MIT Press Direct platform) MIT Press Direct will make […]

Archived titles reports for Cycle 8 now available!

The Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) is pleased to announce that the eighth archiving cycle disclosure process is complete. Cycle 8 (2019) annual collection comparison reports are now available for WEST’s full members to download in AGUA. Both full and supporting members […]

SCP Monthly Update — September 2019

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of August 2019. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. They are color coded as: Net Increase (Green) — […]

WEST Cycles 10 & 11 Call for Unarchived Holdings & Webinar

In the beginning of September, the WEST Project Team sent out a call for unarchived holdings data from WEST Full Members, which will inform the next round of collection analysis (cycles 10 & 11) that will determine what to archive […]

CDL Job Opening: Senior DevOps/Infrastructure Engineer

CDL’s University of California Curation Center (UC3) is actively seeking candidates who want to develop and manage the tools and infrastructure supporting our growing suite of digital curation and preservation services.  As a member of our team, you will be […]