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Category: Staff News

CDL office closure Dec. 22, 2017 PM – Jan. 1, 2018

This year, UC’s Office of the President (UCOP), including the California Digital Library (CDL), will be officially closed during the Winter and New Year holiday periods from Friday, December 22, 2017 at 3:00 PM PST through Monday, January 1, 2018.  The […]

Wendy Parfrey retires in January

Wendy Parfrey, CDL’s Shared Content Coordinator and stalwart participant of CDL’s licensing and negotiations team, will be retiring on January 31, 2018. After twenty years with sales and marketing positions in the publishing industry (Pearson, Elsevier, Gale, Dialog and several […]

CDL Staff in Print – SCP Article in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Congratulations to CDL’s current Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) staff and former SCP staff member, Renee Chin, on the recent publication of their article, “One for Nine Ten: Cataloging for Consortia Collections, a UC model”, in the journal Cataloging & Classification […]

In Memoriam: Mark Redar

It is with deep sadness that the California Digital Library shares news of the passing of Mark Redar, Programmer Analyst on the Digital Special Collections team. Since coming to CDL in July 2008, Mark developed and maintained tools used by […]

Farewell to Emily Stambaugh

Transitions are often bittersweet, and the one we announce today is no exception.  With some sadness at the loss of a valued colleague but also with anticipation of exciting new directions ahead, both the California Digital Library and the Western […]

Introducing Oscar Luna

CDL has contracted with an eminently qualified finance professional to fill the Business Services Manager role on an interim basis. Oscar Luna will join us starting September 20th on a 1 year full-time contract as Finance Manager. Oscar will take […]

Chan Li Moves to UC Berkeley

Chan has accepted the position of the Assessment Program Librarian at UC Berkeley. Her last day at CDL will be Friday, October 6th.  Interestingly, Chan started at CDL exactly 11 years ago on Friday, Oct. 6, 2006 – and probably […]

Beaumont Yung Accepts Appointment at UCSF

After 10+ years of distinguished service at CDL, Beaumont is pursuing a tremendous new career opportunity at UCSF. Please join us in congratulating him on his new appointment as Director of Business Services in the UCSF Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office. […]

Staff Transitions: Nga Ong, Kathryn Stine & Nancy Scott-Noennig

Good things come in threes, and so it is with staff transitions this summer!   We’d like to take the opportunity to announce three – count them, three! – new staff transitions in this message: New positions within CDL for Nga […]

Farewell to Patti Martin

With fond appreciation, CDL is today announcing the retirement of one of its leading and longest-running program directors:  Patricia “Patti” Martin, Director of CDL’s Discovery and Delivery (D2D) Program, who will be retiring from CDL effective June 30th, 2017. Kurt […]