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CDL Staff in Print – SCP Article in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Congratulations to CDL’s current Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) staff and former SCP staff member, Renee Chin, on the recent publication of their article, “One for Nine Ten: Cataloging for Consortia Collections, a UC model”, in the journal Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.

Abstract: In January 2000, the University of California created the Shared Cataloging Program (SCP). Based at the University of California, San Diego, the SCP is a “centralized cataloging model” for the California Digital Library consortium collections. This article will take an evolutionary look at the perpetual challenges of sustaining a consortial cataloging model and highlight the efforts of the SCP in the ongoing quest to eliminate the redundancy of efforts by centralizing the optimization of cataloging efficiency.


The full article is available here: