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Author: Ellen Meltzer

UCLA Campus Affiliated Library Added to Next Generation Melvyl Pilot

An important NGM Pilot milestone has been reached November 18, 2010, with the addition of the UCLA Film and Television Archive (FATA) as a UCLA Library with a separate ILS.  This proof of concept has implications for the possible addition […]

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot Enhancements – November 2010

Several enhancements improve the user experience in the Next Generation Melvyl (NGM) Pilot as a result of OCLC’s Sunday, November 7, 2010 install.  The improvements, shown in detail in the PDF (, include: Changes to Format Facet and Format Limiter […]

Digital library’s global, local services

The California Digital Library’s (CDL) success in elevating the digital library to be expansively global and deeply local has been demonstrated this fall in its launching of an array of pioneering resources that support activities in all corners of research […]

Licensed Resource Change: Alternative Press Index & Archive

Alternative Press Index and Archive are moving to a new vendor. Alternative Press Index Alternative Press Index Archive As announced last spring (, EBSCO has acquired the rights to license several OCLC FirstSearch databases, including Alternative Press Index […]

Two Library Reviews Underway

Ellen Meltzer, Information Services Manager Two reviews of UC’s libraries are currently underway: one of the California Digital Library (CDL), and a second of all UC Library services. All of the programs in Academic Planning, Programs and Coordination at the […]

New Licensed Resources – BBIH, Duxiu, Morgan & Claypool, TBRC

By Ellen Meltzer, Information Services Manager UC campuses now have access to these electronic resources as part of CDL consortial or Tier 2 licenses.  (Some campuses may already have had access to these titles through previous local campus subscriptions.): Bibliography […]

UC Systemwide Library Tutorial Launched: Begin Your Research

By Ellen Meltzer, Information Services Manager Under the leadership of UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS), the UC libraries have collaborated on a UC-wide library tutorial entitled “Begin Your Research” (  (Each campus will eventually have its own URL.) The […]

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot Enhancements – August 2010

Several enhancements appear in the Next Generation Melvyl (NGM) Pilot as a result of OCLC’s Sunday, August 8, 2010 install.  The improvements include the following: Some OCLC databases will no longer require authentication:  Offsite patrons will no longer need to […]

UC Continues to Support Open Access Resources

As part of UC’s continuing support of Open Access journals and alternatives to traditional publishing practices, UC campuses are now institutional supporting members of the two resources listed below.  The University of California is now an institutional supporting member […]

Nature Publishing Group Price Increases Controversy Continues

The Nature Publishing Group has issued a response to a letter to UC faculty describing inflated price increases for the Nature Publishing Group’s (NPG) 67 journals (including Nature) that UC licenses.    CDL Executive Director Laine Farley; Richard Schneider, Associate Professor, […]