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Two Library Reviews Underway

Ellen Meltzer, Information Services Manager

Two reviews of UC’s libraries are currently underway: one of the California Digital Library (CDL), and a second of all UC Library services.

All of the programs in Academic Planning, Programs and Coordination at the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) have undergone reviews, with CDL the final program to be assessed.  The purpose of the review is to understand the value that CDL brings to the University and to its primary stakeholders.  The CDL is very interested in learning how both UC and external partners and stakeholders view CDL’s progress and methods.  We are also eager to understand whether any course corrections are needed and heed any advice we glean from this investigation.  A steering committee, guided by consultant Mary Beth Baker, is leading the review, and interviews and focus groups with UC librarians, faculty, a LAUC representative, information and educational technology experts, external leaders in digital libraries, and other university administrators will be conducted during the process.  This review began in October.

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs of the UC System, Lawrence Pitts, has asked the Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC) to form a task force to “recommend the systemwide strategies and investments that the University needs to pursue with regard to library services in light of the numerous environmental changes”, including such trends as rising user expectations and scholarly output coupled with decreasing budgets and space.  Because CDL is one of the main systemwide investments in library services, this review, which begins in November, will also influence CDL’s future.  This review committee includes faculty, academic administrators, University Librarians, an external (to UC) University Librarian, and a representative from the Mellon Foundation.  Gary Lawrence, retired director of the former UC Library Plans and Policies Division, has been recalled to staff the committee.  The SLASIAC Library Planning Task Force website ( for the UC Libraries Review is now available.  Reports from the two reviews are expected early in 2011.