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Author: Ellen Meltzer

New licensed resource: Sibu Congkan

UC campuses now have access to this electronic resource as part of a Tier 2 license.  Some campuses may already have had access to this title through previous local campus subscriptions. Sibu Congkan 四部叢刊 (Online) (Tier 2 participating libraries include […]

New Licensed Resource – Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 1

All UC campuses now have access to this electronic resource as part of a Tier 2 license.  Some campuses may already have access to these titles through previous local campus subscriptions. Colloquium digital library of life sciences: Collection 1. (Tier 2 […]

Mellon Grant Awarded to University of California Libraries to Implement the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST)

Researchers can now be assured that the scholarly record will be preserved for future generations through a coordinated system of trusted print archives held at libraries throughout the western United States. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the University […]

Emily Stambaugh in Print

Emily Stambaugh, CDL’s Manager of Shared Print, recently had an article published in a recent issue of Against the Grain.  The article is entitled Heading West: Circling the Wagons to Ensure Preservation and Access, and discusses the Western Regional Storage […]

HathiTrust WorldCat Local Discovery Tool

Today, OCLC and HathiTrust announced the release of a WorldCat Local-based interface for the HathiTrust Digital Library, currently containing more than 4 million records.  The discovery interface is available at and will be updated on a regular basis. (Links […]

CDLers (and UCSBer) in Print

The latest D-Lib magazine is a special issue devoted to Research Data. It has an international list of authors, including a few from close to home. John Kunze and Patricia Cruse, University of California Curation Center; and Greg Janée, University […]

Data Documentation Initiative Workshops 1/10-12 at UCSD – Sign Up Now

Immediately following ALA Midwinter, the UCSD Libraries will host a two-part workshop on the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI), a community XML standard being deployed internationally for describing, managing, and accessing data sets.  The goal of the workshop is to promote […]

ProQuest Transition Delayed for UC

ProQuest databases are beginning a transition to a new platform beginning in January 2011; however, CDL will not activate the new platform until a later date.  In CDL and Resource Liaison testing, we have discovered problems with Web VPN compatibility […]

New Licensed Resources – Asahi Kikuzo II Visual; People’s Daily

UC campuses now have access to these electronic resources as part of CDL consortial or Tier 2 licenses.  (Some campuses may already have had access to these titles through previous local campus subscriptions.): Asahi Kikuzo II Visual, Premium Value Pack […]

Let’s be consistent: Best Practices for UC Library Home Pages

UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS) appointed a task force to examine best practices for UC library home pages so that our users experience a consistently clear (and common) understanding of our services.  The task group’s report is now available. […]