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Author: CDL

The CDL Offices Have Moved

On September 10, 2001, the CDL offices moved to 415 20th Street in downtown Oakland. The new location, just 2 blocks from the Kaiser Center where some staff were located, and 8 blocks from UCOP’s main offices at 1111 Franklin, […]

New Resources Available

a. BioOne All campuses plus the Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories now have access to the BioOne collection of journals. Currently forty high-impact bioscience research journals are available and additional publishers and journals will be added over time.  […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. Planning for the New Melvyl: Good News on the Personal Author Front One of the many features that distinguish Melvyl as a catalog with extraordinarily sophisticated power is that users can look for personal authors and retrieve the pertinent […]

California Digital Library Standards Documents

The CDL has recently adopted several guidelines for the use of standards in its collections and services which it supports and hosts.  Notable among them are guidelines for the creation and encoding of digital objects, and best practices for the […]

New Resources Available

a. Blackwell Academic Publishing Full-text access for all campuses to all titles from Blackwell Academic Publishing is now available.  This package represent a significant addition of over 225 new titles to our electronic holdings in the subject areas of Social […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. RILM Changes (Michael Colby, Resource Liaison for RILM) On August 15, RILM transitioned from the OCLC interface accessible via the CDL-hosted databases interface, to the native interface offered by NISC. UC access to RILM can now be found at […]

Library Staff News

a. Raymund Ramos Joins the CDL Raymund Ramos joined the CDL-Technologies’ Architecture and Infrastructure group on August 1, 2001.  He is filling a vacancy in CDL-T. Raymund will be the administrator for the CDL’s Unix development systems.  He will also […]

Ellen Meltzer Appointed CDL Staff Liaison to the Users Council

Ellen Meltzer has assumed the role of CDL staff liaison to the Users Council, replacing John Kupersmith (see Library Staff News below for information about John’s departure from the CDL).  Ellen is currently on a two-year assignment as CDL’s Senior […]

Online Surveying Software Renewed

The CDL has renewed the license for the Websurveyor online survey service.  CDL took advantage of a special offer to continue the license.  This service provides the tools to create and publish online surveys without writing HTML code or hosting […]

Periodical Contents Index (PCI) Full Text No Longer Available

Before the license amendment was signed for PCI additional segments and PCI Full Text, the vendor changed the terms of the agreement.  Due to this change, the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) recommended that CDL cancel the purchase […]