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Author: CDL

New Resource Available

a. Chemical & Engineering News (Mary Ann Mahoney, UC Berkeley) Through the efforts of the CDL and campus investments, the UC campuses now have online access to “Chemical & Engineering News”, the “newsmagazine of the chemical world”. C&E News is […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. A Final Farewell: CDL-Hosted Journal Article Databases This is the last time the CDL will remind staff that the CDL-hosted abstracting and indexing journal article databases will be retired at the end of the year, since this is the […]

Library Staff News

a. Curtis Lavery Returns as Licensing Coordinator Curtis Lavery will assume the new Licensing Coordinator position on November 25th. Curtis, who worked for DLA from 1994-96, returns to the CDL by way of UCSF and the Research Libraries Group (RLG).  […]

Migration to Web of Knowledge (Beth Weil, UCB)

After lengthy negotiations, the California Digital Library has signed a 5-year subscription agreement with ISI for access to the Web of Science database and has migrated to Web of Knowledge (WoK) platform on November 13, 2002.  The Joint Steering Committee […]

CDL Database Transitions

a. Reminder: Eureka Telnet Access to RLG Databases to Retire November 29 A reminder that as of November 30, telnet users will no longer have access to any of the RLG/Eureka databases via Eureka’s telnet or via USE Eureka from […]

New Resource Available

a. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group (SIG) Newsletters (Fred E Yuengling, UCSC) The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group (SIG) Newsletters are now available full-text online to all campuses through the ACM Digital Library. Access: […]

New Resource Available

a.  University of California Press eScholarship Editions On October 28 the CDL released the first 500 University of California Press eScholarship Editions  Three hundred of the titles, many of which are out of print, are now available to the […]

CDL Database Transitions

a.  A & I Database Transition “Canned” Answers The CDL receives queries and complaints about the new vendor versions of the A & I journal article databases via CDL Feedback or from campus librarians.  Jayne Dickson, CDL Information Services Analyst, […]

Declassified Documents Reference System (DDRS) Migrated to GaleNet Interface (Linda Kennedy, UCD)

The Declassified Documents Reference System (DDRS) has migrated from its original Primary Source Media (PSM) interface to a more fully functional GaleNet interface.  Gale involved CDL staff and the DDRS resource liaison heavily in the development of the functionality of […]

Image Searching and Browsing in OAC

New image search and browse features are now available at the Online Archive of California (OAC) . The image search and browse addition is part of a “soft release” since OAC will undergo a major re-design in early 2003; […]