Migration to Web of Knowledge (Beth Weil, UCB)
After lengthy negotiations, the California Digital Library has signed a 5-year subscription agreement with ISI for access to the Web of Science database and has migrated to Web of Knowledge (WoK) platform on November 13, 2002. The Joint Steering Committee monitored the negotiations, communicated with selectors, and advised the CDL negotiators throughout the process. The JSC recommended that the CDL move forward to transition to the Web of Knowledge.
Link to all databases available from host: http://isiknowledge.com. Access control is based on the user’s IP address.
ISI will offer a redirect from the previous URL for Web of Science to this URL for Web of Knowledge. NOTE: Proxy servers MUST be updated with this new domain name.
Specific URL to go directly to a specific database: Web of Science http://isiknowledge.com/wos
Journal Citation Reports on the Web http://isiknowledge.com/jcr (licensed by some campuses individually)
In the WoK platform it is not possible to use the add bookmark feature of browsers. ISI automatically adds a session number to the URL and this URL cannot authenticate patrons. The bookmarks must be manually entered or edited to remove the session number.
400 ports are split between the campuses, including UC Merced. With this switch to Web of Knowledge, ISI does not provide the option to pool ports between campuses. In response, CDL negotiated for several hundred additional ports, which have been distributed according to past usage patterns and existing JCR subscriptions. Each campus will receive its own statistics. CDL has opportunities to review the statistics at two points this year and next year and to make changes in the port allocations. UC can increase the number of ports (maximum 30) and reallocate the port number assignments. It will be very important to closely monitor the statistics during our initial change over.
The times of review are
Period 1 – on or before January 15, 2003
Period 2 – on or before June 15, 2003
ISI Web of Science v5.0 has a number of useful enhancements to the search interface. These include:
The Combine Searches feature enables users to create set combinations from the Search History, and combine a cited reference search with a general search. Self-citations can now also be eliminated.
The Advanced Search feature was created for more experienced users.
With the Search History feature, users can save and retrieve the search histories for future use.
Perhaps most important enhancement is our ability to link to the SFX server (UC-eLinks). This greatly improves our direct access to full text when available and links to the MELVYL catalog. This button is found on the complete record screen and replaces the HOLDINGS & Link to Full Text buttons. Initially, it will be labeled SFX rather than UC-eLinks. ISI has indicated that it will be able to customize the button label to the orange UC-eLinks icon within the next 4-6 weeks.
ISI does not currently meet UC metadata standards for Request in the Web of Science, so the Request button on the UC-eLinks screen will be directed to a page listing the campus ILL services, and the user is encouraged to enter the data into a blank web form. Because of limited metadata, there are also likely to be problems linking to JSTOR and Project Muse. ISI expects to be able to enhance the metadata in late spring 2003.
There are several different options for learning about the new capabilities in Web of Science. These include:
Tutorial for Web of Science http://www.isinet.com/tutorials/webofscience5/
An eleven page Quick Guide in PDF format at [http://www.isinet.com/presentrep/tspdf/wos5-changes-qrg.pdf]
These materials will soon also be available on the CDL Adaptable Outreach and Instructional Materials web page: http://www.cdlib.org/services/info_services/instruct/
ISI conducted a training session at UCI that the CDL will make available soon via the web.
Because we are no longer able to pool ports, hands-on classroom training will significantly impact users’ ability to gain access to the system. Requesting access to ISI’s training server one week in advance will be important for instructors doing hands on training. Web of Science contacts on each campus have instructions for requesting passwords for the training server.
Web of Science contacts on each campus are:
UCB Beth Weil
UCD Karl Kocher
UCI Julia Gelfand
UCLA Alice Kawakami
UCR Lizbeth Langston
UCSD Anna Gold
UCSF Peggy Tahir
UCSB Andrea Duda
UCSC Victoria Welborn