Author: CDL
UC-eLinks Activated for America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts
UC-eLinks has now been activated for articles ONLY in two ABC-Clio products: America: History & Life (AHL) and Historical Abstracts (HA). Resource Liaison Ellen Broidy (UCLA) tested the service before its release. We are negotiating with ABC-Clio to have the […]
Library Staff News
a. Mary Engle’s Retirement Party As reported in a previous CDLINFO issue (/inside/news/cdlinfo/cdlinfo072403.html#2) after over 24 years working on UC systemwide library automation, Mary Engle is retiring. Mary’s retirement party will be held Friday, September 12th, 3 PM in downtown […]
New Resource Liaisons Appointed
CDL is pleased to announce the appointment of the following new Resource Liaisons: Paul Machlis, UCSC — RISM (International Inventory of Musical Sources) Sheila O’Hare, UCSC — Early American Imprints (Evans Digital Edition) Jenny Reiswig, UCSD — Blackwell Science Journals […]
New BIOSIS Previews URL; bookmark that PID!
Beth Weil, the BIOSIS Previews Resource Liaison, recently uncovered a problem with access to Ovid’s BIOSIS Previews database. In reviewing the statistics from Ovid for this database, it became clear that all UC campuses have a significant number of sessions […]
New Resource Available
a. Wilson Art Fulltext Wilson Art Fulltext (, is an upgrade to Art Index, a systemwide centrally-funded database (SCAP fund). Art Fulltext was a high priority for UC art selectors. CDL wishes to thank Susan Malkoff Moon of the Arts […]
New Resources Available
NOTE: New resources listed below may not yet be in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks. You can access them directly from the URL provided. a. EconLit EconLit, originally included […]
Latest Issue of El Mel Tells Available
The latest issue of El Mel Tells bids a fond goodbye to legacy Melvyl, highlighting some of its history []
Changes to MOAC Collection via Luna Insight
The following changes have been made to the MOAC collection via Luna Insight ( with the goals of providing simpler search options and easier to understand search and display labels, making search and display options more consistent with other collections, […]
FirstSearch Changes (Kay Collins, UCI)
FirstSearch recently made some changes to their databases. Essentially, they are cosmetic, but it does make navigating the various databases much easier and search functions which are available are much more apparent. Most changes are the same for all the […]
Los Angeles Times Joins Proquest Historical Newspapers (Elliot Kanter, UCSD)
On June 28, 2003, Proquest released the first segment of the Historical Los Angeles Times, 1881-1923. Because of unexpected production difficulties with the layout and design of the early newspapers, about 30 percent (between 1904 and 1914) was left out […]