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Author: CDL

New Interface Customization Tools for the CDL METS Repository

Institutions can now access their digital collections in the CDL METS Repository through their own interfaces, using the newly released CDL Interface Customization Tools: The CDL has been developing a digital object repository to support the collections it manages, […]

Office of Scholarly Communication Established

The CDL has established an Office of Scholarly Communication in response to: the continuing economic crises in scholarly communication; the growing concern about the impacts of those crises on UC; the broadening desire to assist scholars in the use of […]

Melvyl Catalog: New Issue of El Mel Tells

The latest issue of El Mel Tells, the newsletter for the Melvyl Catalog, is posted online at: Articles include: Searching for Authors…Truncation a Must in Exact Author Search Recent (Small) Changes to Melvyl Melvyl Formats — More Clarity Got […]

Library Staff News

a. Suzanne Samuel is the new Digital Preservation Project Manager Since last fall, Suzanne Samuel has been devoting a growing percentage of her time to the CDL’s preservation program, an arrangement devised to free her up to serve ultimately as […]

Current Contents to be Deselected

The Current Contents database has been added to the list of two other journal article databases (the Computer Database and National Newspaper Index) that are being deselected by the UC libraries.  Current Contents will be cancelled as of January 2005.  […]

Library Staff News

a. Laura Fosbender Joins the CDL The CDL is pleased to announce that Laura Fosbender joined the office this month on a two-year staff contract as a Library Data Analyst.  In this role, she will provide data management and analytical […]

EndNote Version 7: Connection Files for the Melvyl Catalog

Users have reported that the connection file dated 6/6/03 that shipped with EndNote’s Version 7 release does not work for the Melvyl Catalog.  However, the Melvyl Catalog connection file dated 6/8/04 available on the EndNote Connection Files web page ( […]

Database Services: More Information About Alerts

Two new web pages will help you and your library users find useful information about Alerts/Updates and the presence of UC-eLinks and other services in databases. The first page, “Creating Updates/Alerts in Vendor, Commercial, Society, eJournal Publisher and University Press […]

Alerts in Web of Science

By Beth Weil, Head Librarian, Marian Koshland Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, UC Berkeley We now have access to a new method for keeping up-to-date on the impact of your research. As a result of CDL negotiations with ISI, you […]

One–Day CDL Workshop Coming: Digital Library Services for UC’s Libraries

Prompted by suggestions from many UC library staff, and with the advice and input of the Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG), the CDL is hosting one-day sessions designed to: Increase your awareness of how you and your library […]