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Library Staff News

a. Suzanne Samuel is the new Digital Preservation Project Manager

Since last fall, Suzanne Samuel has been devoting a growing percentage of her time to the CDL’s preservation program, an arrangement devised to free her up to serve ultimately as its full-time project manager.  That time has arrived, and on April 1 this transition was formally completed.  Suzanne has (meticulously) transferred her eScholarship program coordinator responsibilities and assumed her new role as Project Manager, Digital Preservation, reporting to Trisha Cruse. Suzanne will surely bring to her preservation work the same intelligence and conscientiousness that she invested in eScholarship. Congratulations, Suzanne!

b. Dayna Holz Joins the CDL

The CDL is very pleased to welcome Dayna Holz, who began working with us on the eScholarship Repository on April 1.  Dayna came to us via bepress to work half-time on the eScholarship Repository’s newest program — an open-access post-print repository for UC faculty authors.

Dayna is concurrently employed at UC Berkeley’s Environmental Design Archives, where she manages image digitization projects, creates metadata using GenDB, does original cataloging, encodes finding aids, maintains web pages, and processes and inventories personal and faculty papers.  Dayna has recently completed her graduate studies in information science with a focus on archives and copyright law; she will be at the CDL on Tuesdays and Thursdays.