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Author: Anna Striker

Yearly WEST Contacts Review

WEST has recently sent an email to all Primary Contacts asking them to review and, if necessary, update their contacts for various WEST and AGUA activities. This ensures that WEST is sending communications to the appropriate staff at each member […]

ACRL Top Trends – Collaborative collections and shared print

The 2021–22 ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee recently released its top trends in academic libraries, which includes collaborative collections and the rapidly expanding shared print community. The Committee highlights shared print’s status as a change agent helping libraries balance […]

Save the date + Registration Open: WEST Member Meeting Tuesday July 19, 1-2:30pm PT

WEST will hold its 2022 summer member meeting virtually this year on Tuesday July 19 from 1-2:30pm PT. Please register in advance for this meeting. Information for joining the meeting will be shared automatically after registering. At this member meeting […]

Updated WEST Policies – Access Policy, Disclosure Policy, and Validation Standards

In 2020 the WEST governance committees charged two working groups to review and, as necessary, revise key WEST policies. That work is now complete and the updated documents have been posted to the WEST website: WEST Access Policy WEST Disclosure […]

Announcing the WEST RapidILL pod

WEST is very pleased to announce the establishment of a new RapidILL pod for WEST members, called WEST. This new pod will help connect WEST RapidILL members to WEST-archived materials and facilitate connections between members that otherwise do not participate […]

Call for Cycle 11 Archiving Disclosures

The WEST project team recently sent out a call for WEST Archive Holders and Builders to submit records of all materials archived for WEST to CDL via the file upload tool in AGUA. WEST asks that members include records for […]

AGUA Development Phase 6 Planning Kickoff – WEST Member Input Requested

During ‘off years’ of the WEST collection analysis cycle, WEST works on identifying and building out enhancements to AGUA, our collection analysis and decision support system. In previous Development Phases the WEST governance committees have prioritized a range of projects, […]

New Shared Collections Bibliography

The Shared Collections Interest Group, part of the American Library Association’s Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) division, has released an informal bibliography of publications and resources related to shared collections in two areas of focus: New publications and resource […]

Spotlight on AGUA Development: Metadata Validation

One of the major projects WEST undertook in 2021 to enhance AGUA was a project to improve metadata validation practices to support more rigorous data analysis by the AGUA Technical Team and to report back findings to WEST members to […]

WEST Program Reflections – Progress on WEST 2019 Strategic Directions and 2021 Year-In-Review

In 2019 the WEST governance groups met in Oakland, CA, to define strategic recommendations to guide WEST’s work over the next three years. WEST has made considerable progress on the 13 strategic recommendations and sub-recommendations identified by the WEST governance […]