CDL Acquires New One-time Systemwide Resources in 2015
One of the goals for the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) in 2015 was to evaluate and ‘refresh’ the annual survey to bibliographer groups. The survey has been in practice since 1997 as the major source of campus priorities for systemwide licensing. In January, JSC invited selectors to fill out an online meta-survey on how to improve both the process and results of the survey. There were over 70 responses, overall very positive for JSC’s long-standing process although there needed to be more transparency in the decision process (which resources are finally selected for licensing) and more focus on the top priorities of each bib group. JSC listened to this feedback in the final recommendations for systemwide acquisitions for the April 2015 survey on one-time purchases to be fully funded by CDL. Nineteen bib groups submitted their ‘wish lists’ for CDL funding of new systemwide resources.
By the end of June, CDL had acquired nine new resources that were either the #1 or a top priority for a number of bib groups. These resources were within CDL’s budget for the fiscal cycle and followed the overall selection goals and balanced criteria for systemwide collections. CDL supported selectors that have not had their top resources chosen in the past, particularly the Business/Economics group.
The new systemwide resources for 2015 are:
- NPG’s Scientific American archive, 1845-2013 (PSE #1)
- Elsevier’s International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed. (requested by both Reference and Psychology groups)
- Wiley’s Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, 7th ed. (Psychology #1)
- German Literary Expressionism Online (DeGruyter platform) (EuroBibs #1)
- Oxford’s OHO Literature Collection, 2012-2015 (LitBibs #1)
- Business Expert Press for 7 campuses; LA, Merced, Irvine already purchased (BusEcon #1)
- Readex’s Early American Newspapers, Series II (requested by both History and News groups)
- Readex’s Western Europe module of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (requested by both GILS and Political Science groups)
- ProQuest Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013 (GILS #1)
Early American Newspapers, Series II was also a top priority for the Collection Licensing Subgroup (CLS) and seven campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego) contributed to make the purchase possible for systemwide access.