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New Licensed Resource – Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789 – Present

All UC campuses now have access to Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789 – Present; some campuses may have already had access via local subscriptions:          (All campuses; on the ProQuest Congressional Publications platform)

ProQuest Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions provides searchable full text of all versions of all U.S. bills and resolutions from 1789 to the present. Individual bill texts may be accessed directly or through a composite bill profile page that links out to the various versions, as well as related publications to which the user institutions have access. This collection is especially suitable for researchers interested in history, political and social sciences, and legal research, but it will also prove invaluable for anyone interested in topics, careers, or social sectors subject to U.S. law. Business, industry, the environment, energy, education, foreign relations, and public health are only a few of the research areas in which this collection will prove invaluable. Search by number or sponsor. Track status actions.

CDL fully funded this resource on behalf of all campuses at the request of the Government Information (GILS) bibliographer group which ranked it as their top priority.