Web Archiving Service (WAS) has a new look!
The University of California’s Web Archiving Service (WAS) launched a new public interface.
Check it out: http://was.cdlib.org/!

The fresh new look showcases the importance of web archiving and promotes access to WAS partner institution collections. Under About and Features you’ll get an overview of WAS–who we are, what we offer and key WAS features. At the Learning Center you’ll find web tutorials and documentation. WAS partner institutions are listed under Institutions and go to Archives to search and browse all public collections.
Please explore and send us your feedback to washelp@ucop.edu!
About WAS
The Web Archiving Service (WAS) is a service of the University of California Curation Center, powered by the California Digital Library (CDL). WAS provides the tools to capture, manage, and preserve web content and provides public access to collections of archived websites. Since its launch in 2007, WAS has served the University of California libraries and affiliated institutions, as well as educational institutions across North America. Learn more: (was.cdlib.org).